Last night when I got home from work, Algy just wasn't acting right. He wouldn't walk and he snubbed his nose at the little piece of doughnut that I brought home for him. Well, we took him to the emergency vet and they told us his blood count looked good (he has ITP) but that he was moderately anemic. We were prepared for the worst, but after a few hours they found the problem. Algy had a tumor in/on his spleen that was ruptured and bleeding out. He underwent surgery in the middle of the night and came through it OK, but we don't know if the tumor is cancerous or not - not yet.

My question is has anyone undergone this with their kiddo? How did it turn out or what was your experience with it? I am trying to figure out what to expect (at least a little). He has other underlying problems and I don't know yet how the new problem will impact the old ones.


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Lily sends XXOOXXOO she loves those boys. Still sending positive healing thought his way. Thanks for the update.


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