I know corgi's like to eat and eat and eat. No matter how many green beans I give him he always seems hungry. Him and my cattle dog x are  on Raw with supplements in the morning and 1/2 a grain free potato free kibble they get at night. 1 cup plus of green beans add to his food he is still hungry. He will sit and watch my other dog eat and sometimes bully (no attacking with teeth just very pushy) her into getting her food or she's just annoyed enough to let him have it. They eat out of toys like kongs and other puzzle toys to slow them down so he feels fuller faster. It doesn't work. Because of all the eating he's packing on the pounds. Does anyone know how to curb the over eating? Could there be something health wise that could be causing this problem? 

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Corgis love to eat. It doesn't mean he's still hungry. If he's getting overweight he is just eating too much. :-)

he will actually sit and "talk" . If I give him less found he will get bold and go after my cattle dog's food. He get 2 medallions with 1 cup of green beans in the morning and less then 1/2 cup of kibble at night with green beans. He will get one small cookie before I go to work, and If I'm bring him to work with me he gets no breakfast and he will get kibble, freeze dried liver and chicken, low cal treats.

Corgis are known for being eating machines. If he's gaining weight I'd just feed him less. You could try some pumpkin or yogurt for low cal fillers too.

Corgis LOVE to eat. I could probably leave an open 30 pound bag of dog food and Franklin would gobble it all down if I let him.....well in fact, I actually accidentally did that once when I moved from my last apartment. I left a half open bag of food on the ground and my parents and I left to go eat dinner. We came back to a VERY round corgi, he gained 3 pounds!!! Luckily I work at a vet and we monitored him closely for the next week, and he was fine from the incident. I feed him in treat toys more to slow down his eating and make it take longer, and less to make him feel full. I don't think corgis have the "full" receptor in their brain! Lol. One thing I've found that works great is mixing some ground beef and peanut butter and putting it in a Kong Genius toy (http://www.amazon.com/KONG-Genius-Mike-Large-Colors/dp/B003JVDV5S/r...) and Frank will work on that for at least 1/2 hour. He gets 1/4 cup of Taste of the Wild morning and night and 3 Hills T/D dental kibble morning and night and some treats, as well as about 1/4 cup ground beef and 2ish tbsp of peanut butter. He is fed in interactive toys only and so it takes him a good hour to eat his breakfast and dinner. I think this helps a lot in making him feel full. I was feeding him raw for a little while last year, until he got a bad bacterial infection, and was feeding him Instinct medallions in the am and some type of raw meaty bone pm. He always acted like he was starving when I fed him the raw diet, so after he got really sick, I decided to switch him back to a high quality kibble since he seemed more satisfied after a kibble meal. Plus I couldn't use the interactive toys so breakfast and dinner lasted about 2 min each. He's a high energy pooch and I need my hour or so of him eating so I can have my coffee in the morning or cook and eat dinner at night without him bugging me! Lol.

My two cents:  I think it's also a personality thing. One of our girls would eat until she weighed 60 pounds. The other girl will eat half her kibble and leave the other half for later.


I mention this in regards the problem with your corgi stealing from your cattle dog: we have to feed 'Mione and Luna seperately because of this, otherwise Luna would eat hers AND her sister's.  We feed them in different rooms. 


After two years of this, they are very well trained about whose is whose: I can't even give them both treats in each others' rooms:  If I try to give them both a treat in "Luna's" room, 'Mione won't take it and vice versa.  We have to go to some third room. You might the seperate feeding: and don't let your corgi convince you that he needs more!

Feed them in separate rooms or in crates so he can't get at her food or do something to keep them apart until she is done. Corgis will eat until they blow up!! He's not hungry, he's just being a little piggy corgi!!


Agreed!  Maddie eats hers super-fast on purpose and then tries to hover around Jack's if you don't watch.  Same with treats.  Once we had walked away and Maddie made the mistake of trying to steal some from Jack.  There was a LOT of hollering and a trail of kibble that Maddie probably dropped as she fled.....   


Both of mine have a personal goal of one day reaching 70 pounds.  That obese Corgi rescue from the warning story online is their IDOL.   lol


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