Hi I'm new here. My name is Laurie and Tedi is one of my corgis.

My 4 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Tedi) started yelping while trotting around in the yard late yesterday afternoon (yelping lasted around 30 seconds). He never limped but kept stopping, sitting down and looking at his right hind leg. He has also recently been reluctant to jump up on the couch and walk up the stairs (for a little less than a week). He does not yelp at these times however (when he does jump up, walk up stairs).

Anyway, later last night when he was lying down in the kitchen I went out to pet him and check over his legs/paws gently. He seemed okay until I touched a certain area on the back of his right thigh...then he let out a yelp. I have no idea what happened to him.

He is overweight and has been on R/D dry food for 6 months with no real improvement seen weight loss wise. In general he just is 'off' and not his usual self.

I am taking him to the vet tonight to get him checked out. I'm thinking/hoping perhaps he has a soft tissue injury in his right thigh. But I'm also worried that it might be something worse. Have you ever experienced this with your corgis? Just wondering if whilst I'm sitting here worrying about him, if anyone has any thoughts on what might be going on?

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About the weight; we use Charlie Bear cheese and egg treats. They look like little oyster crackers and are about 3 calories each. Great for training!
Tedi, I found this article today from the website of a journal I subscribe too. Lots of good ideas here: http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/sample/Canine-Weight-Loss-Tips.html.


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