I was wondering if there is a vitamin for our babies eyes like they do for us/????

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Vitamin A is the only eye health vitamin I know of, but I would not supplement vitamin A without guidance from a veterinarian because too much does more harm than good.  Though, there is this product I found that claims to support eye health.  I would say the best way to care for eyes is to care for the whole body optimally by feeding less junk.

You know I do remember Bugs Bunny eating alot of carrots.   BTW  Is your Waffle going to be on the calender????  We dodged the bullet on the weather the last two times. All were brave and very good

Waffle is in just one 365 calendar picture! lol.  It's a sweet pic of his eye.  My other ones were sized wrong or something and I didn't have time to sit and fix them.  

It's hard to OD on vitamin A from carrots!  I bet Bugs Bunny had great eyesight.  (Liver is another good source of vitamin A but too much can make a dog sick.)

HE IS IN.  I will put in a good word for him to Sam. You wont find any liver around my house.

Steve, there are some great freeze dried venison liver treats around, I just started working for a premium petfood outlet again and have found more amazing treats than last time I worked for the company! They would be a good treat alternative to carrots, which I've found stain white carpet but my two just like to crush them and not eat em LOL oops.

I will get with Dino on that and check it out. Thanks. Did you submit your photo for the calender ¿

Steve, eyes are a big issue for me and I've researched the topic from the human perspective.  I don't know of any eye vitamins specifically formulated for dogs and good people eye  vitamins are VERY expensive and not easy to find, despite label claims.  What I can tell you is that many pet foods contain fish meal as a source of protein, as well as eggs.  Fish meal is very high in Vanadium, which is bad for the eyes.  Eggs would not be a problem if commercially raised laying hens were not generally fed fish meal, giving their eggs a high concentration of Vanadium as well (for myself I only buy cage free vegetarian fed hen's eggs).  You may not be able to sidestep the eggs in the dog food, but I would stay clear of food with fish meal if concerned about eye health. If you want to add carrots, cook them, the vitamin A will be more readily made from it by the dog.  You may look into Lutein and Taurine, but I cannot help with amounts....

OK sounds like you know what you are talking about


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