I know all Corgis have a myriad of verbal, aduitory  and visual cues that trigger all kinds of amusing reactions. One of  best triggers  Gunny has is when I sit at the kitchen table paying bills . He sits by my feet watching intently.He listens carefully for when I tear a check from the check book. He will then run to the back door in anticipation of me  exiting to go to my car for a trip to the bank or to the postoffice. He seems to know that he will be taking a trip in the car to a place where he often gets a snack bone( to two or three) ! They even give me bones to bring home to him when I go to the bank without him.

When he hears aluminum foil or plastic wrap being torn he runs to his food dish. Why you ask?Because I have, in the past, picked up his food dish if he has left the food uneaten for very long ( wet food gets yucky if left out) and I covered it with one of those wraps before putting it in the frig. If I tear the wrap material and his food dish happens to be empty he will whine and run around the kitchen. Bonkers!

What are some of your Corgi's amusing triggers?

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if you say cookie to chloe she will run and dance at the counter where her treats are. and if the phone rings she will bite you in the butt.

New trigger today, guess I've never taken Brody to the bank before.... What are those strange sounds coming from that tube thing, and where is the world is that voice coming from, out of that little box?  Something is definitely not right about the whole situation and he let me know all about it!

Sneezing and any kind of sound you can make with your mouth, like fart noises or anything else. Widget does the whole head tilt and ears up thing. Then he looks greatly confused and walks all around sniffing for the noise. When he goes in another room to look, if you do it again he'll come bolting back and freeze in the middle of the room like "I swear, it's coming from in here!"


If someone sneezes, he does this little confused growl/whine and then he kind of inches his way around you like he thinks you're dangerous or something.

When P.D. is on the bed if you move your hands or feet under the covers he hops away and growls like he is going to tear "it" apart.  I guess he thinks "it" is the monster from the deep or something, but it is amazing how fast he can move out of the way.
Getting a drink means they are going out to  play fetch.
Wow, that's pretty awesome.  I would never make that connection.

I am in Florida, so playing fetch with them in the summer means it is really hot. So I get  my orange juice and water and they know what that means.

That is what I find so fascinating about the Corgi...they quickly pick up on our little habits then somewhere in that Corgi brain they permanently make the connection between what we do and the interaction that impacts them , that follows our action. ( thus creating a trigger). We may not even be aware of our actions until they call our attention to it by having a recuring reaction each time we do it.

How smart to remember that you always get a drink before you take them outside. They watch our every move!

This is too true.  My family has had dogs all my life and many different breeds.  They were all intelligent and full of personality, but this guy is something else.  Often I have marveled over his curiosity.  Where as other dogs attention may be distracted by a noise or sight, Poop deck will intently watch then kinda look around with a "huh" look, as if processing the information.  But HARD HEADED!
Whenever my boyfriend farts, Caius stops what he's doing, has his ears perked up, and stares at him like a hawk. It's pretty funny. There's also whenever my phone buzzes or vibrates from a call/text message, he does the same thing. He stops what he's doing, stares where my phone is located, and watches it like it's going to detonate.

With Mr. Bear who lives back with my parents:

"Where's Brady?" (my little brother) will send Bear into a frenzy searching for him... he will check the usual hiding spots (behind pillows, under tables, laundry room, etc.) until he is found. Brady is in charge of feeding him so he knows when he finds Brady, dinner is involved.

"Going to Taco Bell"... this started in my high school years when I was the so cool new driver who could go get fast food when I wanted... Bear always went with me because the fast food drive-thrus in my hometown always had dog treats. And he loves car rides.

Unwrapping the cheese wrapper... something about that plastic tear meant snacktime :)


I'm still learning what Rowdy's triggers are... he doesn't like it when you cough or sneeze... I think that it scares him so he runs to my feet.  I'll be sure to remember this post when he gets a little bigger and starts learning the routines :)



The last couple of weeks Ein (4 months) and I have settled into a routine that we both really love. Once I'm ready for bed, her and I climb in together with my laptop, turn the lights out and watch old episodes of Reno 911 on netflix streaming before I doze off. She falls asleep while I watch tv, and when I'm done I gently pick her up and put her in her crate beside my bed and go to sleep myself. Well yesterday I discovered a new show on netflix and watched an episode of it after crawling in bed. Ein was acting restless, started pacing on my bed and required more attention than usual. That is until I watched an episode of Reno 911. LOL I swear as soon that show came on she was relaxed and fell asleep within minutes. Apparently Reno 911 = Sleepy time. Who would have thought. I have no idea what I'm going to do once I run out of episodes.


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