In my never-ending quest for dog-related knowledge, I went to PetSmart and Wal-Mart to check out the kinds of foods I can get there. I looked at the ingredients of most bags and marked which brands and ingredients I liked and didn't like. Ultimately, I want to feed Waffle a non-grain food. (Well, ultimately I want to feed raw, but until I have the ability to manage that, I want a non-grain kibble.) The kibbles that didn't contain corn or wheat or meat by-product meal had rice flour or potato flour. Aren't potatoes bad for dogs? Bleh. I don't know what's good and what isn't. Help me out?

As a side note, I want to express some EXTREME DISAPPOINTMENT I experienced in Wal-Mart. I saw a bag of Ol' Roy with a corgi on it, and I flipped it over and found out that it had High Fructose Corn Syrup. BLECH. I don't even want to be eating that stuff-- it horrifies me that they're trying to feed it to our pooches now! :|

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lol, cute!
Right now, I just ordered my first bag of feed with petco, I completely dislike Nutrena Loyall Puppy Feed, just too much grain and poultry by products. I ordered a bag of Blue Buffalo and will be trying out the bowl system on the website. I will give you my opinion of it once my boy has been switched to the new food.


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