I've used Advantage with my last corgi and had no problems.  With my current rescue Thor, I noticed the medication 'amps' him up and his breath smells like Advantage (!)  I gave him a smaller dose this time, he still had the same reaction and this time he vomited (1 day after his bath and flea treatment; but he still had an appetite and didn't vomit anymore).  So, is Frontline a better alternative?  I don't think Advantage is sold anymore, and I've heard that Advantix is not as effective and can cause skin rash, hair loss, etc.  What flea product do you put on your corgi babies, and do they work?

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After poor performance by all the topicals, we moved to Comfortis (the chewable) with great success. It is the only thing that has worked consistently for us with no side effects
Bento is on Trifexis. It's taken orally, which I like. It doesn't seem to taste very good because Bento will spit it out if it's not covered with sufficient amount of peanut butter. It smells like dirt to me. According to my vet and label, it kills fleas and protect against heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm.

From what I've observed, no ill-effects has taken ahold of Bento. I do make sure that the dose he's taken is appropriate for his weight.


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