Hey Everyone,


So Buddy got his stitches removed on the 5th, and since then we have noticed that there are maybe two stitches that the vet missed. We really didn't notice until he got a bath yesterday. We called the vet and they said that we can bring him back, or remove them ourselves. The stitches seem kind of hard to get to, and Buddy isn't exactly known for his ability to stay still on demand.... The vet that neutered Buddy is about an hours drive away dependng on traffic. We ended up chosing them because of the price and a referral from our breeder. Frankly money is tight and gas isn't cheap. We don't feel comfortable removing the stitches ourselves, and our local vet wants to charge $50+ to have them removed. I think the local vet is bitter because we didn't have them perform the neuter. I also contacted our breeder and she offered to remove them, but she is 1hr 30min away!


Has this happened to anyone else? The skin is starting to grow over the stitches, so we are desperately trying to get this taken care of before it gets worse.

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In fact, you might want to walk over there and just give Buddy a treat so that he knows going to the vet is an OK deal. i'd do that once in a while just to make the association a postiive one.


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