I realize that older dogs practice the "puppy license" and let young puppies do whatever they want when they play, to a point. I also know that the elder dog will put the puppy in its place if he/she gets too rough, but what I'm not sure about is what Rocky's started doing.
Rocky just got a new playmate in my grandma's dog. We go over to let him run outside with her dog in a nice fenced yard and get some much needed exercise and socialization. But the last day or so he's started sounding rabid when they play. His ears go back and he growls and gets the older dog down (who lets him by the way) and just gets nutty. It sounds like something from a horror movie, think Cujo. I stopped him a couple times because I got worried, but the older dog didn't seem to mind his play. I know she won't hesitate to snap at him or run off if he bites too hard.
Should I continue to let him play, or since he sounds aggressive, should I just keep from letting him rough play with other dogs? I have read some dogs do this at his age.. he's 12 weeks.
I should add, he hardly nips me and never sounds like this at other times.