A few weeks ago I adopted a 5 year old Corgi mix that appears to be predominantly Pembroke Welsh Corgi. At first glance, many people mistake her for one but after they really stare at her they start noticing her little differences.

Anyway she's very well behaved and I'm wondering if that's weird. I am happy with her good behavior, don't get me wrong, but I expected more of a challenge from a dog who is mostly Pem. Hehe :)

She doesn't seem bossy at all. I hardly ever have to correct her, because she hardly ever does anything wrong, but when I do all I have to do is quietly say "unt uh" in a disapproving tone and she looks at me like "Oh, sorry!" and leaves whatever it was alone.

Barking: She almost never barks. When she does, it's almost always because somebody is at the door. I don't correct her because I want her to bark at the door. I often don't hear the doorbell!

Energy: I'd say it's low though not Basset Hound kind of low. She sleeps most of the day but when she knows it's walk time or car ride time, she wants to go! She gets tired after a block but I'm working on building her stamina :)

Chewing: Hasn't chewed on a thing except a toy after I assured that it was indeed okay.

Potty Training: Basically perfect. Only pottied in the house once and that was when diarrhea hit her when I was asleep with ear plugs and behind a closed door. Other than that she's always either held it or let me know that she needs to go out NOW. (She'll come up and act restless.)

Handling: I can brush her teeth, trim her nails, deshed her, etc. without a problem.

Baths: Just calmly stands there while you wash her.

People: Loves every person she's met--even the vet! Never so much as growled at a person.

Car Rides: You could forget she's there! She's so calm and quiet. (And yes, she wears a doggie seat belt.)

New Places: She can be a little nervous but it doesn't seem to effect her too badly. And if I sit down somewhere with her for awhile, she'll lay down and go to sleep. And whenever a stranger gets close she starts wagging her butt and trying to go up to them. She gets very happy when they pet her!

Vet's Office:
 From what I could tell, she was a model patient!

Other Dogs: Not interested in them per se but perfectly fine with polite dogs. If they act obnoxious (by sniffing her constantly, jumping all over her, etc.) she'll lift a lip and ask them to please stop. As soon as they stop, she's cool with them again. (And I make sure they stop so they don't cause the situation to escalate. I don't think  Madison really wants to bite them but I think she might if she's exhausted all other avenues and they're still bugging her.)

Edit: Interestingly, when a dog is snarling and lunging at her behind a fence or on a leash, she ignores it! She only gets bugged when a rude dog has made physical contact.

So, overall, she's a pretty well behaved and easy dog to own! How common are Corgis like her?


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That is actually the type of corgi I want! Guess I should continue taking notes heheh

I think corgis are such confident dogs that they can ignore other dogs' rude behavior.  Mine do not even react when other dogs are being rude.  Except that once when a chihuahua was barking at them and they jumped, I think they were just wondering what manner of beast is that chihuahua.

Douglas is pretty much the same way. Barking, he only barks if my boyfriend hypes him up or if someone is at the door. Douglas enjoys car rides, as soon as he is in the back seat, hes out for a nap. He loves the vet too! I enjoy that, working in the veterinary field. He is super submissive though, he loves greeting people but dogs is different. He runs up to them like "lets play!" and as soon as he gets there he rolls onto his back. 

I think this is a common trait for the corgi. Some are crazy active and wild but some are more mellow. Just like humans, they are all different. I grew up with Jack Russell Terriers so the change is really strange and I am still adjusting. 


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