* you carry a furminator in the car...


* you have any item of clothing that has on it the words "bunny butt"...


* pet hair is considered a condiment at your house...


* you put your friends in the following categories: red and white, sable, tricolored....




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you've used "White sox" to describe corgi legs

you've used the word "blaze" other than fire

when ear erection is a part of puberty

you see OFA,CERF,VWD in your campbell soup
you have a jar of peanut butter for non human consumption.
Oh, I thought this was the only household that has two jars of peanut butter going at once! What a relief!!!!
haha! Peter Pan for us, organic "healthy" peanut butter for Olive!
LOL! We buy the organic for our corgi as well! i'm glad I am not the only crazy corgi owner!
Oh and you carry bottles of water and a cup in the car for your corgi
and for the ladies... 90% of the time your purse has dog treats or dog toys in there.

I do all of these lol
my Purse had Poop Bags
Purse and Poopbags I love it! Can't have enough of those around!
sure do

yep, mine are purple!

yep do this!
I was digging around in my purse the other day and found a Nylabone at the bottom that I had thrown in there when we went to the vet about 6 weeks ago. I also found a rawhide under my car seat!


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