
101 Corgis

I am planning to breed my corgis and would like to discuss whelping and raising puppies with others who have experience

Location: Massachusetts
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Latest Activity: Sep 13, 2012

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Comment by Jessica & Johann on September 30, 2011 at 9:52pm
I have been doing research too and learning all I can about Corgis and breeding, even though I am years off from even thinking of a litter.  I have only had my first Corgi for 6 months, but he has brought me so much joy, that I want to eventually raise Corgis myself.  I think everybody should get both the potential dam and sire DNA tested before breeding- it's only fair to the health of the puppies.  I know Corgis are prone to hip displaysia for sure :(   some people don't think that you are a "reputable" breeder unless you show your dogs (not just conformation, but also agility, obedience, and even herding).  I don't think that it is necessary to -prove- anything with ribbons and titles.  A good breeder is one who will carefully screens potential pet parents, writes up contracts, tests the parent dogs' genetics and temperment, and does everything possible to take care of the puppies and their mother before, during, and after birth.  The only part of the process that I would be very anxious about it screening people who want to have one of your puppies... after all the care you've put in to raising them right, it would be devastating if they went to a home where they were not treated with love and respect :(
Comment by Brittany and ruger on March 27, 2011 at 12:04am
i understand that sum people have a problem with people who breed and not rescue i understand but you also have to relize that corgis are really hard to come by ilooked in helters for a corgi for years and than finally started looking at breeders and still when looking at breeders only found one or two in my area and they were a 100 miles away which is were we got ruger from so i understand wanting to rescue a dog but its hardwhen you have your heart set on a corgi and one never comes to the humane society
Comment by Wind Dial on July 1, 2010 at 3:35pm
Breeding At Risk to a clear is also (in my book) acceptable. If we decided tomorrow to not breed any or all At Risks, we would eliminate over half of the current gene pool. Talk about a bottle neck. We need to free up the At Risk lines and create a more diverse gene pool to work with. The lack of completely clear specimens is quite an issue right now. We as breeders are working hard to resolve that issue. I help keep OFA's lights on with all the tests I go through.
Comment by Laurie & Entourage on April 6, 2010 at 7:52pm
And PLEASE remember to get your dog DNA tested ( for degenerative myelopathy before considering breeding. The report will come back as normal (ok to breed), a carrier (with one gene) & at risk (don't breed for the good of the breed.)

We had a Corgi die of it before much was know about the condition. It creates paralysis in their rear legs, incontinence, & a lot of pain. We treated Twinkie with accupuncture until she was in too much pain for it to work. I'd hate anyone else or their Corgi to go through it.
Comment by Cliffy & Buster's Mom.. on September 19, 2009 at 6:17pm
I am hoping to breed my Buster after he turns 2 which is a year away.. am looking forward to seeing his little ones.
Comment by Juneaux and Maximus on January 31, 2009 at 1:55am
I'm nowhere near ready to breed our corgi, but was wanting to. Are corgis a "difficult" dog to breed? How common is an emergency c-section with corgis? I definitely want to wait to breed her till she's at least 18 months--any advice or suggestions? should the male be smaller??
Comment by Tekozi on December 26, 2008 at 3:59pm
First off, do not let people that talk about dogs in pounds get you down. i love mutts and homeless animals, i have rescued, fostered, bottle fed orphan kittens, puppies and birds. But I still breed my corgis (occasionally). People do not neuter they're dogs, then let they're dogs breed and do not take care of the pups, so they end up in shelters, this is not your fault. You should not have to pay for other peoples mistakes.


Research is key, I bought books, looked online, chatted in forums ect. What really helped me was getting a mentor, another breeder that is always there for me. Then finding a good vet.

Once all your research is done save up a lot of money, puppies are expensive under normal circumstances, but even MORE expensive if something goes wrong.

In my last litter I had to bottle feed a puppy and took him in for intervenes fluids at the vet everyday for a week. This was extremely expensive, but the puppies health must come before everything. Many breeders out for the money would have simply let the puppy die. Now he is healthy and nursing on his own and it makes it all worth while.

Please learn how to revive a puppy if its born seemingly dead. Also research on what to do if a puppy gets stuck. Never, ever listen to people that say "Let nature take its coarse. Leave the dog alone, she will have her puppies without your help" because corgis arnt wolves and arnt in the wild. If a puppy gets stuck the mom can die. Also you need to be there to count all the placentas, if one is retained infection sets in fast and momma could be dead in a couple of days.

Call around to your vets and price everything first. Be sure you have enough money in case a C-section is needed (you never know)

You will need a place for the puppies to be raised that can be cleaned easily.

Wow I do not want my post to be to long, how about you ask some specific questions and we can go form there?

Breeding corgis is a wonderful experience, but be prepared for complete dedication.
Comment by Erica on September 3, 2008 at 8:18pm
I wasnt planning on breeding my dogs but while she was in heat my other corgi was smart enough and learned how to open her cage and one night we found them! does anybody have any information on the breeding of corgies. please let me know. thanks
Comment by Mim on June 29, 2008 at 3:33am
Is breeding your corgis really a good idea? It can be very expensive, especially if an emergency C-section is needed and often involves heart break with the death of a puppy or saying goodbye when they leave home.

There are so many dogs in pounds needing homes, breeding your pets is going to affect the already over-populated dog situation.

Keeping a dog entire also poses health risks; is a litter of pups worth having to put your dog through chemo if it develops testicular, prostate, cervical, or ovarian cancer?

Maybe if you are seriously wanting to breed you could do it properly and become a breeder and learn about the standard etc.

However, if you do really want to have some "cute puppies" and experience the "miracle of birth" then I wish you the best.

Good on ya for asking about whelping and raising pups before doing it.
Comment by Lisa P from WV on June 19, 2008 at 12:48am
I also am going to breed my Corgi. I will interested to see any information that is added by people with experience. My mother-in-law purchased the male so Daisy's (husband) does not live in this house. I do have concerns though that my mother-in-law is over feeding Andy (her corgi) and have addressed it with her but I have not come out and said if you don't quite overfeeding him...we will have to look other places for a male corgi hubby for Daisy. Kind of touchy since it's my mother-in-law but Daisy is my Baby!!! I still have some time...Daisy is just 8 months old right now! Thanks for the group. Hopefully there will be others to join who are experienced on this subject! Lisa P from WV

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