You need to be a member of Canadian Corgi's Go!!! to add comments!
Comment by Tanya Taylor on October 27, 2008 at 10:54am
Hi, ny mane is Tanya and I do not live in Canada, but I do have one of my pups in Canada. He is a lovely red/white, and his new dad David loves him dearly. I have gotten pics of him at the water, and snoozin' on his back!
Hi fellow Canadians, Silvia and I are now co-administrators for this group which means that we can send out group messages, etc. If you have any group messages to send, just forward them to me or you could Start a Discussion. It would be great if we could get this group more active. It would also be helpful if members started checking this group more regularly so we could start to get some discussions going. So we only have 21 Canadians in the group. Do any of you know of any more that we could invite. Feel free to invite them. Let's Go Canadian Corgis!!!! (PS I am also going to send this as a group message in case people aren't checking this group often).
Hello all!
My Chubbs loves winter!! I was living in Thunder Bay ON (northern Ontario) this past winter and he loved it! We had a deep freeze where it was -40 some nights and he didn't bat an eyelash. He just jumped in every available snow bank and had a blast. The only thing that slowed him down was the wind on his poor ears! I'm living in southern Ontario now, so it'll be a different experience this winter, that's for sure.
Comment by Karen Crich on July 28, 2008 at 10:50pm
Hi, I am going to be a parent of a cardigan puppy by the end of Sept. Can hardly wait.
You need to be a member of Canadian Corgi's Go!!! to add comments!