Does anyone have any prayer requests that you want other Christians to pray for?

It would be great if and when God answers the prayer if you would write back and let us know; this would be a great encouragement for us (only if you feel comfortable).

Are there others who would volunteer to pray?

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What was the outcome. What a strange thing for your cutie to swallow. Is everything okay now???
Please pray for me and my family (husband and adult disabled daughter).

My family background is Welsh, all of my great grandparents immigrating from the Welsh coal mines to the Pennsylvania coal mines. I have always wanted a Welsh Corgi, and now that my children are grown and my hubby and I are retired, I decided to treat myself to this great dog. We are driving from Myrtle Beach, SC to Indiana to pick her up, from the 29th of Jan and planning to arrive back home on Feb 1.

We have 2 adult cats who are about 7 years old, and my daughter has a large dog who is 1/2 black lab and 1/2 chow. She has a sweet disposition and is very attuned to my daughter's needs and has kept her from falling several times by pressing against my daughter's knee when it begins to buckle. She has never been trained as an assist dog, but she sure functions like one.

I would ask for prayers for safe passage as we pick up the pup, and that she will be able to settle in to our household and have as little difficulty as possible being accepted by the other fur babies.

Also please pray for us generally. Things have been sort of difficult lately and I have missed going to church. Pray that I have the strength and determination to attend services, even if I have to go myself.

Thank you to everyone. I was so happy to find this group on a Sunday morning, and felt as though this was a nudge to establish some connections to other Christians so that I can become more strengthened to pursue God's purpose for me.

You are on our prayer list Edie :)
Thanks very much Sam. I love this site. There is something here for everyone! I'm so very glad I found it. Keep up the prayers... I need them. Edie
Edie- WELCOME!! And of course I will pray. I have to tell you though something that struck me so funny! What a coincidence is this??? We picked up our fur baby this past June....on our way home from our vacation in Myrtle Beach, SC and we picked him up in IN!!!!!!!! How funny is that????? Where about in IN do you live. Please be strong and go to church....I had to attend by myself for many years and understand what willpower that takes.
Alicia, thanks so much for your warm welcome and your prayers. We live in Myrtle Beach, and the fur baby is from a town near Indianapolis. She will arrive via air in Charleston which is about 2 hrs from our home, so it won't be too much of a trip. Thanks especially for your prayers. I appreciate your understanding of my situation. I'll post more pix as I get them. The only new ones I have today are my 4 yr old grandson in his brand new karate outfit. Just started last week and is taking to it way better than he did to soccer or t-ball.
Again, thanks!!!!!
I noticed that this prayer request was put on in January, and I was wondering how things are going now and if you still need prayer. I would be glad to keep you in my prayers if they are still needed.
I have a prayer request. We have our corgi, Nick and then we have a 13 year old Belgian Malinois, Reno. It is becoming more and more evident that we will have to put Reno down soon and that is just tearing us apart. I ask for prayer of an understanding that when we put him down that it is not "killing" him but that it is sending him on to the Rainbow Bridge and that we will not feel guilty but peace about what we have to do. I have had to put down another one of my dogs before and the day we did it was one of her better days and I felt horrible. She had cancer and I know that it was the humane and right thing to do but I felt so guilty. I pray that our Nick will greive briefly and that he will recover from the loss with minimal setback. Thanks.
I am so sorry to hear that you are having to do this. I know exactly how you feel! July 13, 2006, I had to send my 17-year old calico cat to the Bridge, too. Enjoy what time you have left with Reno. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.
We have had to put a couple of our cats down. They had a very long spoiled life and gave us a lot of joy during their lives. Now, three years later, we have a new cat who is wonderful and now, a Corgi! Our prayers will be with you during this time of decision making and feeling sad.
I just joined and this group, and I am just totally thrilled to find such wonderful people here that are willing to pray for others. I just finished reading all of the posts, and have prayed along with each of them that requested it. I hope that things are going well with all of you, and that God has blessed your lives as you continue to put Him first.

I have a few requests that I would like to post. My daughter-in-law just passed away in Feb. and my son and their 4 daughters are standing firmly on God's promises, and being wonderful witnesses to many of the children and people in the church they attend, but they still have many feelings and issues to live through, as I am sure many of you who have been through the death of a loved one know. Please pray for Charles and his girls.

Another request I have is for my nephew, Scott. He is only 30, and has always been a big (6'8") strong, active young man. He broke his upper arm and had to have surgery to put in a pin about a couple of months ago. He started getting ill and weak and now the doctors say that he must have contracted a virus during the surgery that has weakened his heart. They tried one medication and he just got worse, and he is on another one now and doing a bit better, but they have talked about him eventually having to have a heart transplant because it had gotten so bad. He just got married on Valentines Day this year.

And one last request: My OC (Pembroke) has had a very hard winter and I need wisdom on what to do for her. We lost her dad a couple of years ago and her mom, the year before that. I have held many of my animals as they've passed over the Rainbow Bridge, and I will do what needs to be done when God shows me it needs to be done for her, but I would still pray, at this point, that He gives me more time with her. She is MY first corgi (Mist was my husband's heart, and Bud was my son's) and I have TRULY loved all my dogs and horses, but she is just SO special!!!
Wow, so sad. :( I just saw this now, will pray that everything is ok and will get better with prayer and time. Any updates.


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