  • 50, Female
  • central, Illinois
  • United States
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  • samantha bullock
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin

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Paw*tial to Corgis!!

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central Illinois
About Me:
Hello. We live in central Illinois. I have a best friend corgi named Chloe who makes life a happy place. I'm anxious to find a tricolored corgi at some point!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Chloe who is a purebred pembroke who is going to be 3 in September '11.
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Alicia's Blog

Breaders of tri-colored corgi's in Illinois/Indiana/Iowa ?

Posted on May 31, 2011 at 9:37am 6 Comments

I'm looking for breeders of tri-colored corgis in the central u.s.  I want to find a breeder before the liter is born so I can request that my puppy NOT have his or her tail docked.  I LOVE THEIR TAILS!  I have found one in Franklin, IN...anyone know of any others?  Not going to pay more than $600 either.  The prices some people charge are ridiculous!  Anyway, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


dog bite

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 10:50am 7 Comments

Last week I was dog sitting my friends 6 yr old Corgi and while cleaning off his feet and belly after a trip through the mud, he bit me very badly when I touched his 'personal areas'. Apparently that's a no no. But his mommy says he has never acted like that was a problem with her. So I got to go to the ER and get it packed, tetnus booster, round of antibiotics, the whole 9 yards. It still hurts a lot and has prohibited me from doing homework as it's on my right hand.

Anybody else… Continue

Puppy got skunked!!!!!

Posted on November 14, 2008 at 8:12am 5 Comments

O.k. when I let my puppies out this morning, my 7month old Snickers ran around the barn and then I saw him come around the other side chasing a skunk!!! It was too funny. Though he did get could have been MUCH worse. I've given him one bath and hopefully that will do it. He really must have avoided the worst of the spray. But it was just such a funny picture to see him running after this little black and white puff ball that was waddling as fast as it could go. Was wondering if… Continue

Potty training regression! Help!

Posted on November 10, 2008 at 8:18am 3 Comments

O.k. My 7 month old, Snickers, has been accident free for almost 2 1/2 months. Well, we brought our little Chloe home about 2 wks ago and he is now pooping all over the house!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do!!! Could this be because he's upset about the new puppy???? Or is it normal to have some regression in potty training around this age???? Any suggestions or help would be GREAT!!!!!

Chosing the right brush for our evershedding corgis!!!!

Posted on October 31, 2008 at 9:24am 9 Comments

I would love to know what brushes everyone has found to work the best on this thick/coarse/shedding coat our corgi's often have!!!! I stood in the pet store in shock at the huge selection and extreme price ranges. I just don't know if spending the extra money is worth it or if there are brushes that work just as well in the more moderate price range. I would love anyone's recommendations and advice!

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At 8:03am on March 30, 2012, LA Stewart said…
Check out CORGI-CON!
It is a Corgi Meetup in Central Illinois.
Come join the Corgi Convention!
You can find information on the list of "EVENTS" on the MyCorgi main page or on the Illinois page "Discussion Forum."
At 12:51am on April 16, 2010, Liz Hart gave Alicia a gift
At 4:38pm on November 5, 2009, Christy Lyn said…
Your corgis are adorable....just wanted to say hi to a fellow that how you say it? well ne hoo hi from me and mater
At 11:59pm on April 17, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 9:25am on April 17, 2009, Maxine Stone said…
Happy B-Day!
At 5:38pm on April 16, 2009, Tracey said…
Happy Birthday!
At 2:27pm on April 16, 2009, Heather said…
Hi Alicia! I'm in Danville, and I'm new here. I am also a born again Christian and a wife and mother of 1 5 yr. old boy. Nice to "meet you" :)
At 9:14am on April 16, 2009, Corgibyassociation said…
Happy Birthday!
At 3:55pm on March 16, 2009, Winnie the Wookie said…
Thank you for the welcome! Yes, Chloe and Winnie have the same thin blaze, it's too cute. We're going away for spring break, after we get back I want to work on obedience a bit more, and then I think we may be ready for a playdate - that would be fun :)
At 6:25pm on February 11, 2009, Alice said…
Yes, especially right now since he is teething. :)

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