O.k. My 7 month old, Snickers, has been accident free for almost 2 1/2 months. Well, we brought our little Chloe home about 2 wks ago and he is now pooping all over the house!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do!!! Could this be because he's upset about the new puppy???? Or is it normal to have some regression in potty training around this age???? Any suggestions or help would be GREAT!!!!!

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Comment by Cindi on November 10, 2008 at 9:08am
Totally normal to have regression with a new pup. Start at the beginning again. And use Dax to help your new pup. Bring them out on a leash. Don't let them play until they do their business. And reward them well. All will be fine. Just be patient. :-)
Comment by Sam Tsang on November 10, 2008 at 8:53am
Yes, because there is a new puppy and yes, it is normal to have regression around this age. You will need to go back to square one, do not trust your corgi until the age of 9 mos - 1 yr, until then, their bladder will be fully developed and only then will be capable of better control. Right now you also have the "teenage" years to deal with, he may be throwing throwing temper tantrums every now and then, know that this too shall pass, keep up the training! Next time do a search.
Comment by Amanda on November 10, 2008 at 8:46am
I've heard that some have kind of a lapse around that age, but Dax is a little over 7 months old and he doesn't have any accidents in the house when he's the only dog. However, my sister brings her two dogs over every now and then and it never fails, he always pees in the house. More than once actually, until they're gone. He loves the dogs, loves playing with them, he shows no sign of being uncomfortable, but he'll always pee on the floor, and I have no idea why. Maybe he's marking, I don't know. I would have thought that after two weeks of having another dog in the house they would be used to it, but I guess that isn't the case for your little one. Just give him time, he's probably just not sure what to think about her yet. Patience is the key. :)

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