Last week I was dog sitting my friends 6 yr old Corgi and while cleaning off his feet and belly after a trip through the mud, he bit me very badly when I touched his 'personal areas'. Apparently that's a no no. But his mommy says he has never acted like that was a problem with her. So I got to go to the ER and get it packed, tetnus booster, round of antibiotics, the whole 9 yards. It still hurts a lot and has prohibited me from doing homework as it's on my right hand.

Anybody else have dogs that don't like to be touched in that area, and if so, any suggestions on how to get them over it? He's a good dog, and she lives alone, thankfully. But ....... he did bite hard, there was no warning or anything.


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Comment by Alicia on June 23, 2009 at 5:03pm
Thanks all! The muzzle for future dog sitting trips will be a MUST!!!! I will recommend she keep an eye on him and possibly get a urine sample if she notices any other potty issues. He too was a rescue, so who knows what happened to him when he was younger. I've touched my two corgi's EVERYWHERE and they don't care one bit. I know he felt confused after he did it and wouldn't leave my side for 2 full days. He is a sweet boy, but everyone's right, a scared a scary dog.
Comment by Sam Tsang on June 23, 2009 at 3:16pm
I don't think it is something that can be get over that easily, the wee wee is still okay, but the nads are different story. Years ago young Mocha had an accident and got his family jewel purse scratched, it took me, silvia and a nurse friend to stable him, so that we can apply neosporin. Ever since that episode, no one gets to handle his package and I don't blame him one bit.
Comment by Lisa on June 23, 2009 at 1:59pm
He could have a prostate infection. Charlie had an infected and enlarged prostate and had problems going to the bathroom. I didn't really notice until he started dribbling in the house and I took him to the vet for a kidney or bladder infection. Apparently the enlarged prostate can be very painful and will cause pain in that area and while peeing and pooping both. They can have prostate problems whether they have been fixed or not. I was just extremely thankful it was just an infection and not cancer.
Comment by Beth on June 23, 2009 at 1:23pm
I'm sorry you were bitten.

My two-year-old male corgi loves being toweled, but hates when I towel him 'round his nether regions. He will grumble a lot to let me know how displeased he is, though he's never growled or snapped. Even if he's getting belly scratches, if I get too far back he yaps and sits up as if to say "What the heck are ya' doin?"

He has always been this way, and I have no reason to think it's pain or anything.
Comment by John Wolff on June 23, 2009 at 12:45pm
Rats. Why didn't I think of that dodge when I was in school? "The dog ate my homework" doesn't work, but "the dog bit me" just might. :-)
That's an interesting behavior: he tolerates that sort of handling from his owner, but not from a stranger.

A scared dog is a scary animal; my uncle got badly bitten getting our dachshund out of a leghold trap.
Here's how to muzzle a dog in an emergency situation:
improvised dog muzzle
How one does this with a dog snout full of porcupine quills, I don't want to have to find out.
Comment by Bev Levy on June 23, 2009 at 11:51am
My corgi, Sparty, is very touchy about being handled. I always have the vet muzzle him before any shots or procedures. I can handle him and he never even growled at my grandson but I still watch him closely. He has some good reasons for his behavior that are not his fault (painful medical procedures) but the main reason is his anxiety. Even when I wipe him off he snarls. This is his warning that he is afraid so I am careful and do not expect others to handle him without a muzzle. We give him monthly allergy shots and I have the vet clip his nails. He is ten and we have tried many different methods to clear this problem up over the years but to no avail so I always error on the side of caution and make sure others are not at risk. If you are going to care for your friend's dog again I would use a muzzle before wiping him. My other corgis would probably let you pull their toenails out before a bite but Sparty won't tolerate much. This should be a warning to your friend that her dog must be handled with care. Sparty has never bit anyone but I am very careful not to put him into the position where he will feel threatened. Sorry you were bit but Corgis are a little tempermental. It was not your fault but now you know what his limits are. I figure it must be the down side of breeding a 25 lb dog to herd a cow that weighs a ton!
Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on June 23, 2009 at 11:27am
He may have something wrong. Infection or something. I think your friend should great a urine sample and get him checked out.

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