I am a first time corgi owner. Bandit is 3 months old and he loves to chase our feet and nip at our ankles and pants legs, is this normal?? If so when does it stop? and if its not normal, what should i do about it? Thanks for any input!

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Like Kerry, I want my puppies doing this. When my latest show puppy arrived at eight weeks old and the first time I set her down she ran after me and tried to turn me, I cheered. It's not something that is ever (or should ever) completely go away; when I walk through the house I've got a whole little group at my ankles. It's hardwired in their brains to try to move and turn you.

However, you can set parameters for correct behavior and you can very definitely get those teeth off you.

The first thing to do is to STOP. He's being reinforced by having you continue to move. It will be very difficult for him to learn to control himself if you don't stop moving, because his instinctive action is to go after anything that moves.

Then you give a clear command, like "NO HERD" and wait for his brain to disengage and for him to sit or step back and look up at you. Then walk on. If he tries it again, you have to stop again and use the command. It's not like "sit" where it's a friendly happy voice. It's the "Don't put your finger in the electrical outlet" voice. Eventually he will let you actually take a couple of steps forward while just looking at you - when he does that, it's "YAY PUPPY!" in a nice high voice and throw a toy for him or something.

A lot of people redirect the herding to a big Jolly Ball or something similar - you shouldn't leave it out in the yard because they can get obsessive about it, but a herding ball is a wonderful toy and tool to let them feel like they're exercising that part of their brains.

And go find some herding classes!
i wish i could find a herding class, my carly would love it...
I too love it about this about Corgis; and as everyone is saying, they are herding dogs, it's instinctive. My very first male Corgi lived to be almost 15 and he continued to "herd" almost until the day he died.
Corgi's are hard wired to control large animals. It's their job and they accomplish it by nipping and biting at the heels.
To them we are just another large animal. Sadly, many corgi's are given up for this behavior, especially in homes with small children. You have received some excellent advice. I say find some herding classes!
First off congratulations on making such a great choice for a dog. My little Molly nipped my ankle one time with those deadly puppy teeth and I'm very glad she herds without the nip. To reinforce what everyone else has said it is perfectly normal to try and herd you because Corgi's are working dogs and they need a job to keep both their minds and bodies occupied, without this they put that mind to use for evil things like eating your sheetrock. If you haven't started training yet you should do so because without it you will wind up with a very, very smart dog that you will not be able to control easily. The other benefit of training is that it makes your dog think and they need something to keep them on their toes.
When i first got my corgi i had no idea about this breed and im still learning.Your so right about having a very smart dog, im amazed every day at mine and she hasnt been easy..
Carly nipped at me and the grand kids when we first got her..it was so funny and now she chases and herds some the dogs at our dog park ..too funny to watch.
Ive never herd it put the way your previous comment says "hard wired" but it makes sense. Im not sure what a herding ball is , ill have to check into this..
One more thing, to save my pants legs and shoes I used bitter apple spray on them and this worked great.
Thank you so much for the advice!! I didnt know that i could take him to classes yet, but now that i know i will definitely be doing so!!!
Thats his job! At least it in his blood. Corgis as herders of cows and show are low enough to nip at their ankles to keep them inline. Our Chester still nips (albeit gently) at my sons ankles when he attempts to run! Its part of his Corgi charm...


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