

A human link to all the corgi owners around the world who also have profiles on facebook. Listed under The Corgi Club on facebook. Join today!

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Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2016

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Happy Birthday, Leo!

Started by Mikhail Cherkassov May 29, 2016. 0 Replies

"Basic Instinct"

Started by Mikhail Cherkassov Mar 6, 2016. 0 Replies

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 26, 2009 at 2:00am
I'm not sure if my teenaged kids were mortified or what when I got a Facebook page!
Comment by Edward and Gemima on July 25, 2009 at 9:50pm
you will all lol but my Mom does not know what she is doing joining facebook Corgis, any help is appreciated, for the sake of my sister and I!!!!!!!
Comment by Boo Buchheit on July 25, 2009 at 6:10pm
I am finally on most everyone. Hi out there other fb Corgis.
Comment by Cathy Santarsiero on July 16, 2009 at 4:41pm
How is Furby doing now, Jenny? How often are his seizures?
Comment by Pat Grissett on July 16, 2009 at 10:47am
Thanks Jenny-- so sorry about Furby and the side effects from the drugs. We rely so much on the vets and sometimes they do get it wrong and our pets have to pay the price. I think the Advantage will do the trick and I do now believe that it's a flea allergy. We live in the woods --LOTS of rabbits every day in the yard. We have the yard sprayed once a month just for this reason..since I'm sure the little rabbits are all flea infested. So I'm sure I wouldn't see just one flea on Sophie or Max. Hope Furby will continue to do allright, even on the meds for the seizures.
Comment by Furby,Baylee&Nellie on July 16, 2009 at 10:34am
Hi Pat,Sophie and max,
Your babys sure are beautiful! I will be so glad if what furby and I went through helps someone. We learned the long hard way how to help Furby. I was so sure it was not fleas because MY house did not have fleas and MY dog I never saw a flea ever! Furby went to every vet and we were told over and over it was food allergies. I even had him allergy tested He was slighty allergic to,chicken, beef ,wheat etc.... but his biggest allergy was to FLEAS it was off the charts .HA HA I was told all dog are allergic to fleas. Yes that is true but some dogs are so allergic they can not handle it and the frontline was giving no protection. The vets put my little man furby on all sorts of drugs for iching, cortizone steroids and then allergy shots but nothing helped exect the steriods, but all those meds had lots of bad side effects. I finially was told to go see Dr. Ringler he took furby off all the meds and promised me fleas were the sole problem, well he was they only vet to get it right. Sadly now I believe from all the drugs I gave my corgi he now has seizers and has to be on phino the rest of his life. We learned a big lesson the hard way . Furby hopes his story helps Sophie and Max . Also to learn she is a red is very interesting . These are our childern and Corgi people want to do the best for our babys. Corgi people are the BEST!!!!!!! Take care Jenny,Furby,Baylee and baby Nellie
Comment by Linda Brock on July 16, 2009 at 5:29am
We've had several dog that have had itching problems and what theirs turned out to be was allergies to corn in their food. Once we switched them to a lamb and rice based food with NO corn, it cleared up. We were given a big bag of corn based stuff this year (after several years without a problem) and within 2 weeks, their itch came back. Took them off and after a few weeks, it was gone again... Gave the bag of food to someone else... Think it was Alpo or something.
Comment by Cathy Santarsiero on July 15, 2009 at 11:05pm
Hmm...I don't know, but she did say that he said it would go away as soon as she put the stuff on. You can always try adding a little good salmon oil (like Bravo) a squirt or two to the food. Sometimes if it is just dry skin adding some good omegas are just the ticket.
Comment by Pat Grissett on July 15, 2009 at 10:53pm
I hope they aren't talking about demodex (mange)-- our last female, Casey, had this from birth and made regular trips to the U of Florida for 11 years..just to get the meds. They put her on milbemycin (spelling?) which is the same as the ingredient in heart worm meds. She had to take this twice a week for years just to keep the condition under control. It usually occurs in dogs with weakened immune systems and she sure had one. It isn't like regular mange that can be cured with medicated baths.. We did think of that --that's the first thing we thought of even though Sophie hasn't had any hair loss..but we had the vet do a skin scrape to be sure. He thinks it's a flea allergy. But we can't find any fleas on her and she gets regular baths.
Comment by Cathy Santarsiero on July 15, 2009 at 10:44pm
You know, I've been hearing about lots of itchy dogs lately, and not from fleas or ticks, but little mites like mange mites or something like that. Someone told me that her vet gave her Revolution just for that reason and said it would also prevent fleas and ticks and heartworm. She could not see any thing on the dog, but the vet was able to do a scrape for mites. I haven't heard if it helped or not though. Cat ^..^

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