
Futrue Corgi Owners

A place for us who want but do not yet have our corgis to talk and share our addictions.


I have been waiting over 5 years to get my corgi. I know how it feels to be the one always waiting for the day they can bring a special pup into their life.

Members: 19
Latest Activity: Feb 12, 2013

Feel free to ask any questions, announce when you are expecting a corgi, share pictures of your babies you will soon own, and share the tale of getting your very own corgi once it happens!

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Comment by Ciara & Macy on January 13, 2012 at 5:49pm

by the way, I LOVE the name Piper! I had a yellow lab that we trained for leader dogs for the blind and she was one of the best dogs I've ever had! She made the 2011 top leader dogs(: 

Comment by Ciara & Macy on January 13, 2012 at 5:43pm

Well I need to be able to pay for it and have enough money to take care of it and being in High School still i need to wait till i graduate and then I can get one(: it will be a long time but it will be worth the wait!

Comment by Annaglen + Piper!! on January 13, 2012 at 5:41pm

Aw, why do you have to wait so long?

Comment by Ciara & Macy on January 13, 2012 at 5:37pm

Congrats! I'm so jealous! I have to wait a few years till i get mine! I bet it's gonna be adorable!(:

Comment by Annaglen + Piper!! on January 13, 2012 at 1:23pm

I got to see my puppy yesterday (pics on my page). So yummy!!

Comment by Cassondra Wilkins on January 12, 2012 at 1:34am

Grats Annaglen, I'm envious, I'm still waiting to find my little guy. Give her belly rubs for me when you get her.

Comment by Annaglen + Piper!! on January 11, 2012 at 2:25pm

Thanks! We're getting a little girl, she should be around 10 weeks old when we get her. It's been a true lesson in patience while waiting to see her. Already have a name picked out - Piper (my boyfriend is a commercial airline pilot, can you tell?). So excited for the bundle of fur!

Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on January 10, 2012 at 11:05pm

Congratulations!  You wouldn't believe how envious I am of you.  Do you think you will get a little boy or a little girl?

Comment by Annaglen + Piper!! on January 10, 2012 at 7:49pm

Hi guys :) I'm eagerly waiting to go pick a puppy from a litter that was born December 18th. The breeder is waiting until they are a little bigger before people come over. So excited to have my first corgi! :D

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on October 18, 2011 at 4:18am

Ahaha only if I'm lucky! (Well.. Semi lucky xD Cleaning up messes is no fun, but I can't wait for the guilty faces xD)



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