George V



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live on a small lake in Southern NH, with my wife, a Golden Retriever and two cats.
About My Corgi(s):
We lost our Corgi (Emmy) on October 12, 2007 to a rare Wild Animal Bacteria carried by infective Skunks and a few other animals. Emmy was only 7 years old when we lost her. She was loved by everyone, especially the kids, we always knew where she was when there were any kids around. She especially loved to play with anyone in the water.

We have been looking for another Corgi since.

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  • Pamela

    George, this puppy Kaley isnt my mine. Im not sandy I am Pamela and my girls are arty and annie...:)
  • Princess Lily Belle

    Emmy was beautiful! It's so sad that she died early. How did she contract the bacteria and what can be done about it?
    We hope you find a new Corgi soon that will bring happiness to your family's lives.
  • Amber

    thats must have been very hard I am sorry!!! :(
  • MollyJo

    I'm sorry Emmy isn't with us anymore, she was the purdiest corgi ever! wow..
  • Sue Olson

    It is so hard to lose a dog. I lost my beloved when she swallowed two screws and they lodged in her esophagus. After surgery the kidneys shut down. She left too early but I kept saying joy of having her was more than the pain of losing her. Remember the good times!
  • Blithe

    The Corgi forum is all new to me! Emmy is a beauty! I send my sympathy for your loss and wish you every day a bit of luck on your search for your new addition.
    In the meantime share Dodger's heart! I'll get a photo up soon.
  • Gizmo

    I am so sorry with your lost, understand very well how's your feeling without Emmy.
  • Laurie Frye

    I am sorry for your loss, Emmy was so lucky to have you and your wife to love her and remember her. What a lovely little lady she was.
  • Saria Hansen

    the picture is really pretty.... you had a pretty corgi! im sorry she died.
  • Robin Judice

    Dear George,

    I am so sad to hear about the loss of your sweetie. Please let us know when you find a new pup. There's no replacing, but each new dog creates his or her own special new niche in your heart.
  • Katie

    Hi George.

    I am so sorry about Emmy. What a horrible way to lose a beloved friend. You will know when you are ready for another corgi.
  • Cheryl

    Oh. Your Emmy looks looks like my Emily. I am so sorry for your loss. Have you checked with the Corgi rescue? There are a lot of great Corgi's to be had there.
  • Phog's Mama

    I am sorry for your loss. She looked like a great dog.
  • Chris

    George, was it possums disease that got your corgi?
  • ATLAsh

    Thanks for the add-- sorry to hear about your girl:(
  • Sarah

    Thanks for adding me! Emmy was a beauty!
  • Susan

    Your pictures of Emmy are a tribute to a very full, and enjoyed life. It's obvious, she missed out on nothing life had to offer her. She lived, when she was alive. That's the hope for us all, isn't it?
  • Tiphanie

    thanks for the add!
  • Vacationholic

    I'm sorry about Emmy. I hope you find another one just as great as her.
  • Gail L

    thanks for the friend request. Emmy was a beautiful girl, sorry for your loss.
  • Ruth

    George V is a very handsome fellow. Looks a lot like my Rusty and our late Duffy. Duffy was 16 yrs old when he went to the bridge.
  • Lili

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Emmy was such a cutie.
  • Argo's Parents

    Thanks for the friend invite! I enjoyed looking at your pictures, especially seeing Emmy with the golden as a puppy! I bet they were close friends. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
  • Florence

    Thank you for the friend invite !
    I'm also on Flickr, so, I'll go to have a look at your photos.
    I'm so sorry about your loss...7 is so young....
  • Ginny

    Hi & so sorry to hear of your loss! There are lots of Corgis looking for good homes now, so I'm sure you'll find the one meant for you!


  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    Hello G. Sorry to hear about your loss. It is always difficult, but be sure to know her spirit lives on
  • cecy phyillaier

    hi george, do you get a new baby corgi, emmy is beautiful, i bet your heart is broken
  • Rand

    Thanks for the friend invite. Sorry to hear about your girl. We lost our corgi female, Tess, in November 2007. She was chasing Brody, who was still a pup at the time, trying to chase him down before he reached our road. Brody crossed the road and Tess was killed by a truck that was going over 50 mph in our residential neighborhood. We miss her terribly and know how you feel. We know a great breeder in NY, near Albany, if you're interested.
  • Chrissy

    Thank you George for the invite and I am sooo sorry to hear about Emmy. She was a very cute dog and I know how hard it is to lose your corgi as I lost my 10 month old sogri Baxter back in March due to kidney failure. They become your children.
  • Judy

    I am so sorry to hear about your tragic loss. They are just too precious to us. She was a beautiful little girl. I hope you find another love soon! Life's too short to be without a Corgi. Good luck! In the meantime, you have lots of new friends to share things with. And I'm sure that we're all rooting for another little darling and lots more puppy luvins in your home, soon!
  • Mei-ling-chan

    I'm so sorry to read about your corgi. I do hope you find another that will bring you joy. *a big wave to you, your Golden and cats from me n Vash* :)
  • Carrie

    Thanks for the add and I'm sorry to hear about Emmy. She was a beautiful corgi.
  • Susan and Jack

    George, little Emmy's photo melts my heart. I can easily imagine that she was loved by all; gone way too soon. I hope your next Corgi joins your family shortly. Emmy will approve. Remember, she's in and all around you now, not so far away as it may seem.
  • connie saltou

    My sympathy, as a long time dog owner I know how heartbreaking it is to lose our 4 legged family members. Our Emmie too loves the water, though in our case it's a wading pool set up for our 2 other girls, a 6 yr. old dobie who is also her playmate and a 10 yr. old german shepard, dobie cross who, in her mind is a mother to her. We live on 6 acres in country with 3 horses and barn cats. I got Emmie from a breeder in Minn., whose husband is a veternarian. Can give you her email address if interested though doubt she has puppies right now. Connie
  • Meghan

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost a bichon last year that I had since I was in 2nd grade (I'm almost 26). Dogs become closer to us than most people...but will forever live in our hearts. Good luck finding a new Corgi...Emmy will be looking down on you.
  • Ne

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Corgi Emmy. We also lived in NH in the southern region and lost our first Corgi Denny to a wild animal bacteria. My heart goes out to you. I totally understand the loss. Our Denny was just 1 years old and we always had him in a fenced in yard and this happened anyway. I know of a great Corgi Breeder in NH if you ever want to talk to her. She's very nice and we had thought of getting a puppy through her until we just adopted a Corgi/Lab rescue from Georgia this week.
  • donna g

    so sorry to hear about emmy. i do hope you find one soon. they are so much fun. thank you for the invite.. donna
  • Wendy & Co.

    Hello George,
    So sorry to read about Emmy. I too have lost a special dog and know it is heartbreaking. I'm amazed at how similar her facial coloring is to our Wendy's. We just joined the board and established our page but can't figure out how to "decorate" it. Yours looks great... how did you do it?
  • Laura

    I'm sorry for your loss. I too lost a dearly loved pet that had been a member of our family since shortly after my husband & I got married. Our Bingo was a great source of comfort, even though I think he was secretly glad to finally be top dog! I hope you've found another corgi to fill the void Emmy left. They are always with us in our hearts, aren't they! I still see Mac walking down the hall sometimes but now it makes me smile.
  • susan

    i'm sorry about Emmy, we lost Tana a lab 3years ago october 4 i know how hard it is. They really become a member of the family.
  • Joni & Kirby

    Very sorry for your loss. I have had to put two precious, big dogs to sleep over the past 8 years due to illness and still miss them. We only have our "Kirby" now. I cannot imagine what life will be like when it is his time to go. Hopefully, he will be around for a long while yet. Good luck finding another Corgi to be a member of your family. They are very special. If I had room, I would have several.
  • Madog

    I am so sorry about your pup. I lost my GSD a couple of months back. I used to live in Raymond on Governors Lake. You may have seen us walking. :)
  • Tina, Frankie and Georgie

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I know how hard it is loosing a pet, they are part of the family! But on the brighter side, I bet Emmy must be running around in doggy heaven!! :) Take care!!!
  • Regina

    Thanks for adding us.
  • Lyn

    Thanks for adding Jake and I to your list of friends. I am very sorry about your corgi. I can't even begin to imagine what life could be like without Jake. Good luck on your search for a new corgi.
  • Kyle P. Newton

    hey thanks for the add! very nice dog you have by the way. sorry to hear about emmy. she's probably having fun playing with kids and water in corgi heaven :)
  • Marcy

    Thanks for the add. That is so sad about Emmy. I've only had Rubie 4 days and I can't imagine what it was like without her.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Gimo's brother has just sired a little of beautifl tri-colored pups - Ocala Florida. This lady has nice sweet even tempered pups ..If you are interested. let me know. My daughter is getting one (the only sable in the litter) He will be coming home October 3rd. Sorry about your loss.. it is heartbreaking.
  • Jen

    Emmy and Cassie are so sweet! I'm very excited to see my corgi swim--I think he'll be really good at it! Thanks for sharing! :)
  • Kate

    I'm so sorry to hear about Emmy-- there are few things sadder than such a loss before its time. I lost my first corgi, Sasha, unexpectedly in October 2006 and would still be a wreck if we hadn't acted fast and dumped all our love on another corgi. Am not sure if you've ever considered adopting a rescue corgi, but I found it helped me kind of complete the story I never got to finish with Sasha by giving another mature corgi a loving home. It really gave both of us a second chance to be happy. (You can see how happy Mollie is in the profile picture-- it was taken just a couple days after we brought her home!) I hope you find another pair of giant ears to warm your couch very very soon!