
41, Female

Warner Robins, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Anytown USA
About Me:
I'm a halfling (Hoppa for those in Hawaii--Half Japanese/Half White.) I live in central Georgia with my boyfriend and his Weimaraner. This is my first official puppy and I am a nervous mom. I'm most excited and happy that our Weim has a companion and playmate.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Freya, has two white spots: one on the back of her head and one on top of her head. She is feisty and very intelligent. She understands the sit command and come command which she learned at 6.5 weeks. She loves food and her kong time. She also loves to hover near me with her brother Weim (2 year old Cloud) when I'm cooking cause they both know I have the tendency to drop odds and ends. She was born on 11/01/2008.

My foster was adopted finally!!!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kendra Palmer

    Welcome, such cute pictures!
  • Chrissy

    Welcome! What a cutie : )
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Ju Lo

    Hi! Thanks for reading Theo's blog! Hmmm, if it was a pugs blog it was probably Miko and Meimei's. I love their blog. :) Welcome to the world of being owned by a Corgi! Hehe. Freya is so cute! Let me know if I can answer any questions. :)
  • Ju Lo

    Well there's nothing wrong with being paranoid, that's for sure. :) Better safe than sorry! But the breathing is totally normal. You know what Theo's breathing reminded me of when I first got him? That movie I Am Legend, how the zombie people breathed all fast when they were sleeping? Hehe. He only did that for the first few months. He breathes more normally now.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Chris and Bugg

    He wasn't so cute last night when he decided to go on a chewing rampage! Ugh...can't stay mad at him though. ;D
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I love my Eukenuba. I have three different types..the maintenance formula, puppy med., and performance. I also give a tbsp of yogurt daily to them as well. I know many who have fed the Diamond and I know its cheaper but I'm having such great results w/my Eukenuba I don't want to try anything else. I don't like Royal Canine...know several who were feeding that and hair coats looked horrible. Many like the Nevo and Wellness.
  • Ju Lo

    Maybe it has to do with their metabolism? Puppies are full energy all the time and then they just crash. An older puppy is a bit more even with their energy. I'm guessing it has something to do with that.
  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Happy Holidays!
  • Ju Lo

    Personally, I like Innova and Wellness. I was feeding him Evo, but it was super high in protein, so I switched him to that new Wellness brand Simple 5 or something like that. Theo really likes it.
  • Laura Jones

    Thank you we are very excited! Ecspecially since my sister in law is getting his sister so they will get to play together a lot. And I have their older half sister. Have safe Holidays.
  • Kelly

    haha, yeah kind of gross. Whenever people come over and ask what it is, I tell my husband to explain :) Gibson is actually preferring rawhides to bully sticks nowadays, I guess he got sick of them?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You so much!! Your puppy is adorable, how fun. My cousin had a Weimaraner, recently went to the Rainbow Bridge. Looks like you have lots of fun ahead. : )
  • initch

    Ichi is fine and in the process of learning to walk on a leash. Thank you for asking!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Thanks for the compliment!! I had fun trying to get that picture, lol.
    I feed Lance Dick Van Pattens Natural Balane Duck and Potatoe
  • Ollie and Dinah

    Your baby is a cutie pie also. I love the corgi butt photo! Ollie and Freya are just about the same age, I think! It sounds like Freya is a bit more cooperative, though - Ollie doesn't come or sit. He's a little moster most of the time, but we're starting puppy school on the 19th!
  • disraeli ears

    Thanks for the comment about Rhys - it was hard. But having Andy made it easier to deal's hard to be sad when she is around! :) She is very much a "Mommy's girl."
    Yours is a little cutie - I hope you are enjoying her puppyhood. They grow up so fast!
  • Jessica

    Sugar gliders are ALOT of work. You have to be very careful about what you feed them and make sure that they get proper nutrition. They cannot live off of a food pellet diet, actually only one of my gliders will even touch the stuff lol. They also cannot control their bowls either, like a bird. Plus it takes time to bond with to get them to trust and bond with you.

    But, they are also little sweethearts and very affectionate once you bond with them. I love my boys and wouldn't give them up for the world :)
  • Lucy Hicks

    Hi Lilly and I just realized that we are very close neighbors! We live in Perry GA. Am just sharing with Lilly how your little one responds to 'come'. Lilly was great about this, but as she got older - it has been down hill.
    Your baby is just precious.
  • Alice

    Thank you! The chance of blue eyes is one of the things I like about Cardis too. We were hoping to get one with two different color eyes and we really lucked out.

    He was eating Purina Large Breed Puppy Food. Purina isn't a bad brand but Blue has a lot more of the vitamins he needs. When my Mom switched her cats to Blue Buffalo, she noticed how shiny their coats became and they produce less waste when they go to the bathroom. That's always a plus. :)
  • Dawn Murray

    Thank you very much! I have had a busy day and it has been great, too! My classmates sang to me and I also had a cake arranged by closest friends in class. My parents singing, of course, was the icing on the cake! What would Simon say?!!! Thanks again!
  • Chris and Bugg

    Yeah, he kind of slides off it now...I'm thinking when he gets a little bigger it'll be perfect. :)
  • Frankenstein

    Frankie is doing soooooo good! I can't believe how wonderful he is! We even took our first little walk :) Freya is so pretty!
  • Davlion

    LOL! omg the last picture is so cute! Corgi butttttssss Fur-ever!
  • Alex

    We are not in military... although it seems like we moved so much that we could be!! My husband taught in Japan with JET Programme at Junior High Schools over there. Dee Dee & I just went along... Miss the food there so much. Dee Dee misses the snow!
  • MaryRea, Dougy, and Rudy

    Thanks for the Greetings!!! Freya is super cute. How old is she right now? We're getting our 2nd Corgi Sunday. We can't wait. Dougy needs a playmate desaparately. I'll post lots of pics soon.
  • Butter

    Hi, just read your blog on cedar chips; didn't want to put my comments there but STAY away form cedar. "Err on the side of caution". I have severe allergies to many things and chemicals and at the clinic I attend, we are educated on what to avoid. Cedar is one of those things. We aren't supposed to have it in our homes or use any blankets, clothing, etc which are stored in cedar chests. I would keep your dog away from the cedar beds; it is not worth a reaction to test it. I don't know what about it is toxic but it is.

    Good luck, write me if you have any questions re multiple senitivities. Joy and Butter
  • MaryRea, Dougy, and Rudy

    Hey, I just got my Corgi 12wk old puppy today but she seems alot smaller than our male Corgi when he was 12wks old. I see Freya is about 11 wks old now. How big is she right now? I think I may be overreacting .
  • Ginny and Diggory

    Freya is pretty stinkin' cute!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks! You have a great day too :)
  • bill and maggie mae

    just stopping in to say thanks!!!
  • Davlion

    Aww, thanks. Yeah the header is really cute! I'd definitely steal that corgi!! lol, but anyways I get him Saturday in the evening XD I can't wait!!!
  • Shelly

    You asked about Sukie. Well, we're not really sure but we think she's a cross between chow and finnish spitz. My daughter found her on the side of the road about 5 years ago and she's has been with us ever since. She was a real mess when we found her, loaded with flees, hungry and very skiddish. We're pretty sure she had been abused. To this day she gets upset with men wearing hats. She really is a beautiful, wonderful dog -- she and Evie chase each other around.Sukie takes Evie's ball just so Evie will chase her. It's a great game they play and fun to watch.
  • Shelly

    Sukie looks more like the Finnish Spitz than Chow. They're fox looking with a curled tail and medium size -- her coloring is from the chow size (we think) and she has black/blue spots on her tongue.

    And yes, I did just adopt a corgi -- we named him Toby. I'll post some pictures of him soon. He's about 2 yrs old, lovable disposition but needs training. He and Sukie haven't hit it off well. He's an alfa male she's a alfa female. Evie gets along with everyone -- two, four legs doesn't matter to her.
  • Shelly

    By the way, great photos. Pem and Weim -- good combo. You're going to have lots of fun.
  • Shelly

    Yeh, we did the leash thing last night. Toby is scheduled for neutering on Sat. which should help. Good idea with the crates. Thanks.
  • Cindy

    thanks! Happy New Year to you too! We are preparing the new year eve food now. Cheers!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Awww what a cutie! My Chesney is 12 weeks old.
  • Rachel and Ray

    thanks for the birthday corgi wishes!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hey!Remember the discussion about the big dog that I was getting????its on my page! its a Great Dane! he is such a big teddy bear!
  • Molly

    She is so cute. I used to tell the vet I was a paranoid puppy parent. the first week we had Molly she was stung in the nose by a bee. I freaked out. She slept if off and was better by morning. I didn't sleep at all that night.
  • Talula the tabby slayer

    Freya is adorable. It seems at this age, from day to day things change-- it's so crazy.
  • Sam Tsang

    Sure! get on LIVE CHAT now and I'll answer all the questions you have
  • Sam Tsang

    That's ok, let me know what time you're available and I can answer all your questions LIVE :)
  • Sam Tsang

    No problem, I have yellowdog Linux on my ps3 and firefox runs smooth on it. see you at 7.