Carol Braitman

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am an Operating Room nurse. I am married with 2 girls. I have 2 wonderful Corgi's, Augie and Charlotte. My cats are down to 3 now. We have New Kitty, aka Pickles, Roy, and Mr. O. Our 4th kitty, Baby, died June 21. We miss her a lot.
About My Corgi(s):
Augie turned 7 in March, and Charlotte was 4 in July. They are the best Corgi's ever!

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  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - Hope everyone is feeling better . How is your kitty doing after the surgery ?
    Funny you say Brynn is getting bigger and more grown up looking , my house mate said the same thing after being gone a few days ! :))
  • ManTau 饅頭

    Hi Carol. Yes, both daddy and mommy are graduated from U of M! Go Blue!! They love Ann Arbor and always want to pay a visit again, hope someday they will take me to see their college campus :)
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi Carol! I just wanted to drop by and see how you, Augie and Charlotte are doing!! I hope well. Have a nice week.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Linda was only with us for about 2 weeks and she has gone back home. I think we get her again though part of next week!! I am so excited!!
  • Mandy and Lori

    By the way, be careful in the ice storm!! We have had plenty of those and they scare me to death!! We actually had one when we had Linda and she was quite upset by all of the different noises that ice makes like Charlotte. Take care.
  • JW

    I laughed at your description of corgi eyes going "blinky, blinky", hehe! Griff does the blinkathon in the rain, too. He quite liked all of the snow this morning, but was pretty mad about the jacket I made him wear! If he doesn't wear it in deep snow, he comes inside with a ton of snowballs on his belly and they melt all over the place. He forgot about the annoying jacket as soon as he and sister Zelda started racing around the yard (or bunny hopping, in Griff's case). Much love to your little ones!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - We have been blessed with warm weather this year all though it's 35 outside right now , it will be all most 60 again today !! YAY !!! Hopefully you'll warm up soon with us springing forward on Sunday , I'm excited it will be light out until 7:00 PM now .
    Looking forward to the coast again this weekend , it's going to be slightly stormy .
    How is everyone in your BIG family ? You all back 100% ?
    Cute new photos :))
  • sandra

    hi carol,

    thanks for the update on where my kaley corgi obed video has been seen....i had no idea it was to be so popular, in a month, there has been about, 8000 views!..i would get word it went to several yahoo corgi groups, and all over the place!...makes me smile to know her obed, freestyle made so many laughing tears!....hehehe

    btw, check and my new social community, are a few corgi humans there!

    What game do you want to play? (1 of 6)

    smiles : )
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Carol! CUTE group you've created there. =) Ok, so I don't necessarily have tuft to pluck yet (I will be getting my corgi pup this Saturday)… BUT I can SO see myself doing this obcessively…. =D =X
  • Karen & Bailey

    lol muahahahhahah!!! =D great idea! I'm so in!!! =P
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thanks so much for trying to vote for Emmy! I really appreciate it! Hopefully the site won't keep giving you trouble! :-)
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thank you for the advice - I really appreciate it. The daycare interview went VERY well today. I was very impressed and I think it will be a good fit. I think I may drop in unannounced as you suggest. I'll use the excuse of beinging in paperwork or something. If that goes well I think I will do a 1/2 day at first, then she would be going twice a week if all goes well. You really made me feel a bit more at ease, so thanks again! I'll put up a blog post after her first day to let everyone know how it went. :-)
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Carol, I furminated Timmy at a local grooming place that lets customers wash their own dogs on Sun and Mon. After the furminating, he got his bath, used three towels, and left a good inch of hair on THEIR floor!!!! That way they can figure out what to do with it. Now I have a wonderful smelling dog and feeling dog. Tomorrow we could do the whole thing again. I think it's the spring shed.

    Didn't get a chance to do any felting. I still think that you have to spin the hair first. Now my idea of spinning hair is to throw it into the dryer, but I don't think that's what they have in mind. All that does for me is clog up the lint screen and smell up the garage.
  • Megan

    Thanks! You know, I saw only a couple of pugs, wonder if that was your friend? The agility trial is in Lebanon the weekend of June 8 (three days). We'll definitely be there--my dad is the show secretary.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I agree, spinning is not my game. I'm thinking of calling our local wildlife refuge and seeing if they need some for the birds and or critters to line nests and dens????? Maybe Then I wouldn't have to take up any new crafts.

    So funny, the girl at the grooming place, says "Oh the furminator works really good on corgis" Don't I know it as I showed her the small kitchen sized garbage can full of hair!! Yeah!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I forgot to add that Brian (Bryn) joined the group. I haven't looked to see if he's come up with any wonderful ideas. I gotta finish up dinner, but will check back in an hour or so.
  • Sasha

    Thank you! :) I would appreciate it if you would! I'm in deep need! Thanks again!
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    I've really enjoyed your pics! You have some very sweet looking Corgis. We haven't gotten Duke in the water yet. But I have a feeling he won't like it much. He's quite a scaredy cat.
  • Cheri

    I see your corgi's love a good pool party too!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - So sorry to hear Augie hurt himself again :( Is he doing better ? How was his birthday ?
    How have you been ? Fully recovered ?
    I have been sooooo busy with out of town guests and getting ready to take Brynn in next weekend to get her fixed . She is growing so fast ! The weather has turned cold again , it was snowing yesterday ??? Help !! I want spring back .
  • Sasha

    Thanks I'm going to go look right now!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Carol! Bailey's finally starting to shed his grey puppy undercoat.. and I've been collecting the fluff in a bag! woo!
  • Megan

    Hi Carol! I haven't talked to you in a while, so I thought I'd see how you're doing. I entered Dally in an agility trial at Lebanon May 10, held by the Indiana Collie Club, but only one run to finish her Nov STD title. But dad's trial the first weekend of June is looking to be a good one.
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - Long time no talk .Good to hear from you and that you ,Charlotte, and Augie are doing well. I have been busy with summer stuff , walking Brynn longer , biking , and taking her camping !!! She gets so dirty it's funny ,from white to gray in seconds . I am trying to trim down a bit , but Brynn looks and feels great . Miss you.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    hi carol,
    I just found your page...your corgis and cats are adorable! I, too had Tasha Tudor growing Pumpkin Moonshine the most. We are in not too far!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    oh my gosh! they do have the same tags!
  • Liz & Remi

    Your Corgis are precious...makes me wish that I had a Corgi Couple! So cute! :-)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Spencer and Remi came from LakePointe kennels in Springfield, IL. Spencer also has a 1/2 sibling. Jenny who has Ziggy is Spencer's 1/2 brother (same sire)
  • Corgi in WOLF clothes

    No I am a friend of Luna.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Carol. . .thanks for the invite. . . .your fur babies are adorable. . . .
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    What is the name of the self dog wash? I am hoping that it is a chain. I would love one in RI or Massachusetts!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    I love the video above with the talking corgi!! It is my favorite!!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    I am so curious did you ever find anything to do with all the Corgi hair everywhere. I have two and the hair amount is WOW! I loved your comments on the tuft pluckers!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    That was my only thought! What do we do we do about that smell? douche-LOL!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    I looked online. There are no self-washes for dogs. If I had $$ I would invest! I guess they will have to deal with the doggy pool outside! thanks for the laughs tonight! Late for me..
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    How about if we made rugs? Then the smell would only effect our feet.
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    They would be corgi color. It would depend on the color of your corgi or if you want to be festive you could die the corgi hair and make beautiful designs or maybe make rugs with corgi's on them. LOL!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    How about if we had some of our cat(s) hair into it too, that way all the animals would not feel left out!
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    The real hair corgi pets in stores. HUM.....That would be a sight!! How would the long hairs attach?? Would the corgi's be full size? We could market it parents stating "the feel of a real dog without......
  • JoAnne

    operating nures are ANGELS! I know this first hand...thank you for being an angel frm all of us that you care for! Now to have 2 corgis means you're extra special. My girls swim so much they smell like fish,I'll have to post some new pics of them in the water.No raft is matter who has one,Augie and Charlotte are so clean an fluffy......aren't they just the sweetest in the whole wide world? great pictures,
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    Cool! Marching band is keeping me busy too! My daughter is a trombonist.
  • Corey & Holly's Mom


    That would be different! Let me know...
  • Susan

    My Addie's head popped up during the talk like a corgi video...aren't hose tufts of fur something when we brush the corgis? I always leave them in the yard. I think rabbits and birds use them for nesting...who knows.
  • Franklin's Mommy

    I saw that you are from Carmel, I am too!! Actually I go to IU so I am in Bloomington now for school. Maybe over the summer or sometime when I'm home we can have a corgi meet-up and take them on walks together or something! I actually dont have my corgi yet... I will be getting him in a couple of weeks!
  • Megan

    Hi Carol!! It's been forever since I've been on here, but I wanted to check and see how things were going! Dally and I have been busier than ever with agility trials, working horse shows, etc., that we hardly get to go home.
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    Join Band Corgi's!! How are you??
  • adniL

    Hello, first time user here. I just wanted to say I LOVED your Corgitalk lessons. Phoebe, (in the picture there) had much to say about it! So funny!
  • juliette

    Hello Carol.
    Here is Juliette again, do you remenber me?
    I have a question about the corgi video?
    Do you know more about that video?
    I get a message from some girl called Becky, she wanted to used my photo's for the video, but because i don't have her as a friend i can't send her a message.
    But my question is that do you have the video?
    If you do? Can you please show me it or send ??

    Greetings and kisses

    From Juliette
  • ChestersMom

    Hi Carol! I love the pics of your Corgis! Is Augie the bigger one? He looks a lot like my Chester did before he got diabetes! (Chester weighed 55lbs!) He's now down to 43 pounds and doing well! I don't want to sound like a know-it-all, but I just wanted to warn you about overweight Corgis. When Chester got diabetes he almost died. I don't want ANYONE else to go through what we did. Chester was in so much pain (I didn't know that diabetes - high blood sugar- was painful) He's now on 2 insulin injections a day and limited food. He's actually more active and happier than he has been in a long long time. Please don't take this the wrong way, I just want to save such a gorgeous dog from the trouble and pain that Chester had to go through.

    Have a Happy New Year!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.