Keahi and Kai

South Pasadena, CA

United States

Profile Information:

South Pasadena, CA
About Me:
We are city dogs that sold out and moved to the 'burbs (better schools and more grass).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Keahi (keh-ah-hee) [origin: Hawaiian] definition: fire.
M, DOB: 10/31/07
I'm a city corgi. Buses fly by me and I don't even flinch.

Kai (kah-ee) [origin: Hawaiian] definition: water.
F, DOB: 3/10/08
I'm just a girly girl.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Keahi and family!
  • Cindi

    Welcome to you and Keahi!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . . .your fur baby is adorable. . . .
  • Bridget

    He is sooooooo cute! Saw the picture of his graduation and looks like you will all be having a great time together! City dog, eh? Cool!
  • JW

    Hi Keahi! Griff is a city Corgi, too! He thinks he's the king of the neighborhood and all of the kids adore him. Hope you have lots of fun in YOUR city, too! :)
  • Ruth Bergloff

    Keahi is one major cutie! Very handsome! Kind of looks just like my Pancake! They could be brothers! How did you come up with the name Keahi?
  • mikonami

    Keahi is so cute! I didn't know there was a dog beach on Long Beach (I read your post about swimming). I just took my Mei to Huntington Beach on Saturday. She loved everything about it but the water. =)
  • mikonami

    Ohh...maybe I'll check out that beach next time. The one in Huntington is actually a dog beach. Lots of doggies go there. It's right by the dog park that has a Corgi meet up every Saturday.
  • JollieEllie

    Hi Keahi and Kai,
    Are they getting along fine? We've also just got Bailey 4 months ago and both are now still adjusting. Truffle (Daddy's girl) is very jealous of the little bro and vice versa.
  • Treez & Spartacus

    yay for L.A. corgis!!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Your pictures are beautiful, and I love their names!
  • Juel

    Thanks for the add! Your furkids are so cute!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hahah!!! he was proud to wear that shirt! lol.

    We actually have a picture of Kai, lol. It's not a great picture though :

  • Karen & Bailey

    but she's darn cute! in that dress. i wanted to add, did you guys make the clothing yourselves?
  • Mary Hart

    OMG your babies are beautiful. I love your pictures.
  • Karen & Bailey

    nice! thanks for sharing! =D
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Ha ha, yep, great minds definitely do think alike :D Kauai was so much fun, wish we could have brought Bryson with us there (the quarantine may not be so fun for him though... ;P) They'd probably enjoy road trips a bit more, like how Keahi and Kai stick their heads out the window!(our car's window is too high for Bryson, poor shortie).
  • Kelly

    Thanks! Yours are cute as well :) It must be fun having 2. I would love to take him to Napa that would be the best vacation ever. There are hardly any dog-friendly areas here :(
  • Ju Lo

    The dog beach was in Coronado. There isn't a meetup at that specific location every month. I'd say it's probably only once a summer that the whole group goes. But of course if you post on the message board that you're going I'm sure a Corgi or two would come out an meet you. Of course, that's a bit of a drive for you. :)
  • Ju Lo

    Hehe. Well I'm sure there's got to be some nice dog beaches in your area, though, right? Next time you're in SD you can stop by. ;)

    We thought he looked like a Theo too, that's why we kept the name the breeder gave him. :D Keahi and Kai are just adorable!
  • Ju Lo

    Keahi turns 1 on Halloween! How fun!
  • Ju Lo

    Oh wow, that sounds like so much fun! Congrats! :)
  • MollyJo

    yeah it's soooo hot today! my goodness.. haha, the first snow is about to fall back home and here we are sweating out butts of! :] oh well, the beach makes up for it, right?
  • Nicole

    Keahi and Kai are beautiful corgis!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hey.. I joined the black headed tris.. thanks for the invite. all the members are beautiful!! love it!!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Gizmo's nephew that my daughter got (puppy) is a sable and is beautiful.. He is such a smart little puppy and we are having such a good time teaching and playing with him. hope you visit out site. Gail
  • Kristen

    I think both Lizzie and Brodie will fit the Masked Corgis group. I think Brodie is going as Zoro for halloween. Just need to find the hat He has the mask and we a little cape!
  • Hoagie

    Hey Guys...sorry I missed the party yesterday...Aimee said she and Hoagie had a blast...can't wait to see the pics.

    Dr J.
  • Hoagie

    Sounds good! Can't wait to see them! Love, Hoagie
  • Carmen

    Kai has the same birthday as me. Of course, I'm 27 years older.

    Your dogs are adorable. Love the cute faces. They look very happy.
  • anne Mcginn

    Your babies are adorable. Such great smiles. Don't you just love Corgis?
  • morgan

    Hi! We have a friend in common, Jon Kam. It's cool because we were already friends on mycorgi. :) How are your two doing?
  • Lili and Forrest

    Hi! I love it. So, I would love to have Forrest's birthday there too. Was it really expensive?

    I hope to see you at the P&P some day. :-) Lili
  • Pa'ani

    Pa'anis name is Hawaiian too! It means playful.
  • John Wolff

    A note for the "masked corgis" group:
    A good name for a masked corgi would be Procyon ("pro-seeun"), the alpha star in Canis Minor to the left of Orion (Orion's Little Dog). Sirius, the Dog Star and brightest in the sky, is in Canis Major (Orion's Big Dog). We had a corgi named Sirius, but corgis are not big dogs.
    Procyon happens to be the genus name of the Raccoons, so it's a perfect name for a masked marauder. "Pro" for short.
  • Newman and Hipster

    Next time you're in the area, let us know! there are tons of corgi friendly hikes in La Canada -- Newman and Hipster are in training to hike the Pacific Crest Trail....
  • Commander

    It was great meeting everyone today! It's nice to know theres more corgi's around here. Hope to see you all again. :)

    P.s. If you haven't read/know theres a page on what not to feed your pets. Informative, milk isn't good.
  • Morgan Stromberg

    Hey there...Not sure if this is you are not but do you live in the Milano Lofts downtown. My girlfriend was walking Sam downtown and ran into two corgi's in a car one of which was named Kai!!! Hope so...Your little corgi's are gorgeous!!!
  • Queenie and Chico

    thanks for adding us as your freinds. Are you a breeder? If so, I may have some questions for you, my Queenie is in "heat " at the moment. I'm not sure if it will happen this time around. We'll see :-D
  • Hoagie

    Hey Guys! Did you get my email? I'm back in town and am looking forward to seeing my friend's again! Love, Hoagie
  • Morgan Stromberg

    brookanne and I have tomorrow up????....let us know :)
  • Gary & Jo + Peb

    hello there!
    where do you usually bring your corgis to?
    I am running out of ideas...
  • Erin

    Love the names - Keahi and Kai.
  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    Isn't it fun having both a masked and a red and white? Love your adorable pair!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Nice to see another tri and red/white corgi family