Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Thanks for the nice welcome to Joey! We love your pictures! So cute!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Jane, how are Mom and babies doing today?? Is it snowing there yet??? Melissa
  • Sky and Lyla

    Jane, I see you love the Whole Dog Journal as much as I do! I can't wait for the issue coming up about how to broach topics you've read up on with your vet! I like my vet, he's the only vet in the area that practices any holistic medicine at all so I don't want to go to anyone else, but he also has a large ego and things are kind of his way or the highway!!
  • Rich Blacklock

    Ein has a nugget for a tail too! One nickname is Nuggetbutt.
  • Christine, Sae Woon and Jasper

    Thank you, this is such a great site!
  • Sky and Lyla

    Actually, poor Brando came down with Giardia yesterday morning. It's been a busy couple days taking him out every couple hours so he doesn't have diarrhea in the house, and keeping all the dogs on rotations so they don't come in contact with eachother and passes illnesses around. He's acting a little better today, but still not drinking which is awful because he is dehydrated. I've been squirting Pedialyte down his throat, which he hates. He's one pathetic little puppy right now!
  • Josh Rougeaux

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Thank you for your invitation to be friends! We love reading all your contributions, watching your videos and look forward to seeing Livvy's babies grow up! Oh, we also got some snow and we went kind of crazy! All the best from Williamsburg, VA: Nancy, Bear, Tasha and Linus
  • Nancy Geddes

    The Story of Olive Salad: by your friend Nancy. There is an old grocery in the French Quarter of New Orleans called Central Grocery Store. It is the epicenter of sandwich called the muffeletta (MOOF A LETTA). The bread, a round Italian loaf with sesame seeds, is important. The Italian cold cuts: mortedella, capicola ham, genoa salami, provolone and emmanthaller are also important. What makes this sandwich epicurian is olive salad. Buy the best product you can find: green olives with pimentoes (1 pound); cured black olives (pitted) (1 pound), garlic (three clove), capers (one cup), anchovies (three or four each), roasted red bell peppers (8 ounces), fresh cilantro (lots), fresh parsley (lots), dried oregano (one tsp.), lovely olive oil (1/2 cup). Taking a couple of ingredients at a time, pulse them in a Cuisinart then dump into a bowl. You don't want mush, just a nice chop. I prefer a glass bowl; marinate this fabulousness for 12 hours before use. Stir and taste as you go along. To assemble a muffaletta: slice your italian bread east to west. Spread your marinated olive salad on the bottom layer of bread, layer your cold cuts, place top of bread on this masterpiece and snug it down. You can wrap this sandwich at this point for a while (travelling, etc.). Wonderful for Mardi Gras. Anyway, on an earlier visit to New Orleans, while waiting for my muffaletta at Central Grocery, I went to the back where, this receipt was tacked to the wall. Being an inquisitive chef, I took the notes down on paper (always in hand). Those who are concerned about their sodium intake - well, I'm sorry!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Your string steak sounds like a nordic dish called roulade. I worked with two Danes who made a gingersnap gravy with this rolled beef dish. Braising gives you the nicest flavors and are perfect for the winter, yes?! Nancy (again)
  • Nancy Geddes

    Not necessarily weighted down but actually improves for several hours before slicing and serving. I just wrap in white butchers' paper.....
  • Deadrisk

    All those Corgis around,, you life must be great!
  • Ashley and Copper

    oh I would love to have that many corgis!
  • Buddy & Wynstan

    He actually got to play in snow today! We had a nice little snow in Alabama today, but it is mostly gone by now.
  • Ashley and Copper

    Never even though of it that way. Isn't it funny the names we come up with? I'm thinking about getting Cop a girlfriend. I wanted to breed Pooh but could never find any females around where I live. Most people I know didn't even know what a corgi was.Now that I'm older and have my own place, I think a might get me a little girl. Any advice? lol does having more than one get overwhelming? my mom has a grand total of 5 dogs, 3 cats and a turtle and I never get sick of any of them. When I was about 13, we had a white female shepherd, a black and tan long haired female shepherd, and a black and tan male shepherd. The girls got pregnant a week apart. we had three shepherds, a black lab, and 17 PUPPIES!!!! I loved every second of it and I took care of them most of the time!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Thank you, I am hoping it goes by fast also! Yes, I painted them.
    By the way your pups are absolutely adorable!
  • Ryan Walvoord

    Very cute picture thanks!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thanks...It didn't work for me either so I redid it and it worked.
  • Anna & Rowan

    uh oh! Thanks for the warning, Jane! LOL. He really does love my shoes, earlier he was sleeping with his face inside my cross trainers. Well, I guess I better start making sure my shoes are in a safe place the night before I need them! That's too funny that Wynn sleeps with them in his crate!! LOL!!!
  • Ashley and Copper

    I think that's wonderful! At least you care which is more than we can say for a lot of people. Honestly, there are some people I know that shouldn't be allowed to have animals! It's just sad but I think it's great what your doing!
  • Ace and Jen

    Thanks for the comment Im excited because im a First Time Corgi mom ^_^
  • Ace and Jen

    So far its been a blast =)
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you. . . .
  • Carol Powers

    It's so nice to have her in the house. It's balanced again.
    But, I still miss my dog. I love the pics on your wallpaper - their energy just jumps right off the page ; )
  • Edward and Gemima

    HI Jane, cute new video of the babies!!! The giggling is priceless too. Hope you are enjoying the nice weather!!!
  • Tammey & Caven

    You are so sweet! We love it when you comment!!!
  • MollyJo

    your corgis are gorgeous!!! :) <3
  • Buddy & Wynstan

    it has been an adventure with him. everyone loves his personality. he just loves that mud; my parent's backyard holds water forever, and I have been getting him to fetch through it before we go to the river this summer. he is starting to like the water as long as there is a ball to chase.
  • Marion Hebert

    OK..I think I get it Chili was one of your puppies....and now the name is tube sock....there must be a reason for the name change ..... would love to know what it is. What a great imagination you have. Marion
  • Steve

    Thank you Jane. Poor Steve for modeling such a silly hat...
    Oh by the way, I've been following your blog & pics of the Valentines puppies and I have to say they are suuuuper adorable. Makes me want to add another pup to the family.
  • Lara & HAM

    I LOVE CORGIS! Your Corgi family is so so cute!! :) Thanks for posting all these awesome pictures!!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks for your lovely comment. Corgis have a way of settling into our hearts and never leaving.
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks for all the sweet and helpful things that you send.
  • Jill Usher

    Thank you so much! I'll keep everyone posted on his progress.

    Corgi hugs -
    Jill & Jakey
  • Chris West

    That's so awesome!! I looked all over to find a corgi nearby, but everyone around here has Pembrokes, and I really wanted a Cardigan. Luckily we found one in Dubuque; we were originally going to have to drive all the way to Arkansas!! I tried to find a corgi rescue, but again, couldn't find any Cardigans, only Pembrokes, so we had to go purebred. It is so awesome that you have so many! Don't think I'll ever be able to talk my husband into more than one. I think a pack of corgis would rock!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just wanted to say that I love the name Armani, that was one of my names I had picked out to name Lance, but no one in my family wanted to name him that. :( I do like the name Lance though, and hes named after his Daddy, since he resembles his Dad, although his Dad has alot more grey, very striking. I asked permission of the breeder before we named him that, she said it was ok as long as werent going to register him with that name.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Awww, thats so sweet, Jane!!! :) Poor Armani, that wasnt very nice of the neighbors, its nice now that he doesnt have to go through that.
  • shelley power

    so cute!! Bella resembles my male "Spunky"
    You had a litter with tails??
  • shelley power

    Good for you:) Many pembrokes are naturally bobtailed, our male is from a litter that were all born bobtailed, and none of them had to be altered to suit the standard. But I have seen litters that have been born with varying tail lengths, and I think frankly they are better balanced in their activity with their long backs with tails as opposed to without. Missy is far more agile and speedy with her tail to balance her than Spunky, altho little Mika is a speed demon and quite agile without tail. I see akc now allows danes and dobies to show unaltered ; no tail or ear docking.. so if a litter of pemis is born with tails and is an outstanding example of the breed, so what if they have a tail? I mean the bunny butts are cute , but not necessary.
  • Michelle, Mochi, & Draper

    Hehe yes, she definitely has a lot to keep her occupied when she arrives home tomorrow :) Everyone at work has been making fun of me for spoiling her, and she isn't even here yet! I feel like a real mommy now -- packed a baby bag full of toys, snacks, a new collar, leash, and a water dish!
  • Rachel & Goldie

    Thanks for the comments your dogs are adorable and make excellent pups. It was really hard to find a corgi where i live! (Victoria Australia) Luckily we found Goldie!
  • Rachel & Goldie

    Also love the Happy Mothers Day And valentines day XD So cute!
  • Melinda (Penny's Mom)

    That might be my daughter and son in law. They have 2 corgis Puck and Penelope!
  • Melinda (Penny's Mom)

    Wow...small world huh?!
  • Adrienne

    thanks for the welcome - and he absolutely plays the smart card with strategy!
  • Tauna and Kota

    I love all of your pictures. Are you a photographer too??
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


    Thanks for the comment on Lances video! My daughter is actually playing the piano in the background. She usually doesnt let me record her but she did this time since I didn't want her yelling in the video..come on Lance...lol, she can be really loud :O He was starting to frap and I was trying to get that on video but of course he decided to stop...when I got the video out. Like the way he just hops up on the couch..even though the cushions are in an upright position so he cant do that..haha right!!! We bought those couches when I first got married (16 years ago), and am starting to want new ones, Lance really does a number on the cushions when he lays on them to look out the window, which I try to limit.
  • Jay

    Dini is doing fine, she had some trouble adjusting to our new boy but seems to be fine with him now. But we are getting concerned about her other eye, it is showing discharge and with her medical history it could be the same problem the other eye had.
  • Amber and Kirby

    actuality, the pic of all those corgi puppies is one kirby's breeder took of him and his sisters. he is the one in the middle :) but they are cute
  • Robyn

    thank you