Miri, Bailey and Cali


Downey, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a third year law student. My husband and I have a precious corgi named Bailey. She was born 5/31/09. Bailey brings so much energy and fun into our lives. What did we do before we had her? We also added a little corgi mix named Cali to the family. Cali was born 7/30/10
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bailey is a tricolored Pembroke. She is full of energy and always chasing something (our other dogs, flys, air...) Bailey is quite vocal and loves to run around the yard,
Bailey has been herding sheep since November 2009. She absolutely loves it, and she is finally learning to slow down and listen to what we want from her.
We recently started agility with Bailey as well, and she as well as us is loving it so much.
And we have added Flyball to Bailey's activities...I feel like a soccer mom driving Bailey around to all her various practices. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

Our new little one, Cali, joined us Halloween 2010. She is a corgi mix. We are not quite sure what she is mixed with. I guess we will have to wait and see what she looks like when she grows up...So, little update on this. In my opinion, Cali is a Corgi Australian Shepherd mix. We did have her DNA tested, and the results were actually quite funny: Dalmation/German Shpeherd...Yeah, I don't see it at all :-)

Cali is the complete opposite of Bailey. She is mellow, affectionate and loves to eat.

We are going to instinct test Cali for herding soon. She loves to herd her big sis around the house :-)

I have:

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  • Melissa S.

    wow their facial markings are simular! I had not noticed!! how stinkin cute! :)
    Oh now I cant wait to see her either!! lol!
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    Hi Miri! Is this your first corgi? Cricket is our first and so wonderful! We picked him out when he was three weeks old and had to wait a month to get him. Waiting is so hard, but it gives you lots of time to get the house ready for a new puppy! We have to put Cricket in a kennel during the day when we work and it almost broke my heart this morning to leave him when he was whining. Good luck with Bailey and I can't wait to see more pictures!!
  • Melanie Stage

    its exciting getting a puppy and alot of work but they are so cute and funny mine is a little rascal but is great about going to potty outside,
  • Erin & Faye

    I have 3 days and 2 hours left, haha I don't know if I'm going to make it. I may esplode!*
  • Mary

    She's doing great! We love her. I will admit, I was on the brink of tears the first few days because I was thrown through such a loop, with a puppy your routine changes completely! But we are so happy we got her, she brings a lot of joy into our lives and we're having a blast. Your puppy is one of the cutest I've ever seen! Do you know who her sire and dam are? Nibbler's sire is Gilby, and I believe Kim said her Dam was a friend's dog, Sweet Opals Paris.
  • Mary

    Cool! That is the exact reason why we got Nibbler at this time. I work at a school and I figured it'd be nice to spend the summer with the puppy. I bet you will enjoy the bonding time with her, and I can't wait to see more pics!
  • Sarah Rincker

    Congratulations. I just started my 3rd year of med school, so I know your time constraints well. :D If you have any questions, I think our pup is just a few weeks older than yours, so fire away! P.S. Adorable Puppy!
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    How is Bailey doing? Isn't it fun to have them home! How is the potty training?
  • Justin Nelson

    His name is Benny. That is funny cause I got him from Poso Creek also. They are great people and so far Benny is an awesome companion. Hope you have as good a luck with Bailey
  • Justin Nelson

    If I remember right his dam is Mo and his sire Cody.
  • A & P

    Bailey is so cute! Enjoy your time with Bailey and take plenty of photos because time will fly so fast!
  • Aj

    Hi, what breeder are you getting Bailey from? She's so cute!
  • Sarah Rincker

    Ha, yes, the Corgi Loving Grad Students Club. :D I also looked at hundreds of photos to see what Rhys would look like when he got older. I'm shocked at how quickly he's changing to red already. Have fun with your new bundle of joy today! Congratulations!
  • Kathryn Graham

    We should have a site for Academic Corgis! It's nice to have the summer to spend time with puppies and get going with training. Bailey is adorable-- I love tris.
  • Joyce and Mollie

    Miri, How is little Bailey doing? She is such a doll baby. Enjoy her!!
  • Mary

    Congratulations! Bailey is beautiful :) I love the pictures. Her belly looks exactly like Nibbler's! One of my silly nicknames for her is Cow Belly because of the black splotches :)

  • Joyce and Mollie

    How fun! She is going to be a great dog. She is marked very much like my Mollie. Are her ears up already?!
  • Melissa S.

    Is bailey home????????
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    How is Bailey doing?? Aren't they the BEST dogs!!
  • Emily McCarty

    Are you getting Bailey from Poso Creek puppies? That is where I got Cooper!
  • Emily McCarty

    Cooper's sire was "Johnny Cash" and on the papers, it said the dam was "Oh You Cutie Pie" but I am not quite sure who that is.
  • Melanie Stage

    YOur dog looks just like my new pup check out my site we can be friends!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Amber and Kipland James

    Almost! He'll be in my arms in about 5 1/2 hours =) I'm really excited!! I can hardly wait
  • Amanda, Rooster & Hawk

    She's growing up so fast!!
  • Alejandra

    We got Banjo almost a year ago.
  • Melissa S.

    Wow she is just a growin!! it amazes me at how alike her and Walk Walk are! she is a beauty!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks Bailey! I love all the outfits! Yay- another well dressed corgi! ;) She is adorable.
  • Melissa S.

    Walker is 6 months 2 weeks, and growing like a weed! We just weighed him at the vet and he weighed 17.4 pounds. I'm not sure if thats low or high, i am still learning the breed! :)
  • Sarah Rincker

    Holy cow! You were right. Bailey is a dead ringer for Rhys!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Miri: I see that sweet Bailey is just about six months old. So, please bear in mind that at most herding instinct tests, the "lightbulb" may not go off until your dog is about nine to twelve months of age. If this is the case, you might ask the herding instructor if you may have a "sheep party" so that Bailey's first exposure is a happy one. We tested Linus at nine months and he showed little interest. So, we humans made a big show of petting the sheep, talking excitedly as though this was the most fun thing in the world, we also "lifted" the leg of the sheep so Linus could savor the smell. He now does pretty well at herding lessons although Tasha's instinct runs the deepest of my dogs. Don't become discouraged. Also, consider repeating the testing every month as Bailey approaches one year of age. Lastly, Bailey may enjoy herding ducks, too. We are excited for you both and look forward to hearing all about your lesson! Have fun! All the best from Williamsburg, VA: Nancy, Bear, Tasha and wee Linus (a/k/a Heronsway Land of the Hokies)
  • Nancy Geddes

    You go Bailey girl!!!! We are so proud to learn that you love to more those sheep! Keep up your lessons and we can't wait to learn about all your adventures and hear how you make all us corgis really proud! Corgi high fives (and a sniff of the ole sheepies for us!): Bear, Tasha, Linus and Nan
  • Garrett, Katie, & Conan

    Bailey is adorable!! Who are her parents? Conan is also from Poso Creek Puppies!
  • Garrett, Katie, & Conan

    Sorry for the delay, haven't been on in a while. Conan's parents are Fanny and Angus. That's great you are doing sheep herding! We were going to Sara Goodman in Vista, but have had to take a break due to some coughing Conan's had. We're getting in figured out though. I'd love to hear how Bailey does!
  • Jen and Miss Harley

    It was nice to meet you and Bailey too, we just got done moving up to WA state =( It was a loooong trip but we are done =)
  • Nanmar

    I got the puppy yesterday! She is the cutest, and so tiny. She is a Poso Creek puppy from Gilby and Danabug. I will post pictures soon. Her name is Darla - for My Darling Valentine. I have two Corgis - Yeah! Happy Valentines Day.
  • Angus

    What a cutie Bailey is, esp. with the seat belt strap to hold up a corgi-head.

    Loved your herding photos here. I think Angus would make a great herder but I'm in northern NJ and haven't been able to find a farm with herdees (sheep, ducks, whatever) within a not horribly inconvenient distance.

    You're lucky: seat belts and sheep. A corgi couldn't ask for anything more.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Bailey is quite the beauty. I love watching her herd and sleep on the seat belt. I'm happy to see that she is also an avid reader, LOL. Welcome to the OC Corgi group. So far it's a group of two, Bailey and Lucy!
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!


  • Eric D.

    I voted for you Bailey! I know you will be the top winner at the Cherry Blossom Festival! =)
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hi Miri and Bailey,
    It appears that we're the only 2 members of the popular Orange County, CA Corgi group. Maybe we should consider merging our large (and growing membership, haha...still at 2) with the So. CA Corgi group. I love Bailey. We live in Fullerton and not too far from Downey, but Lucy tends to only like male Corgis!@#$%. We could try a play date and I'd love to get her involved in herding, since she shows big herding instincts. How would I go about it? Is Bailey friendly with all dogs? I'm so ashamed that Lucy is so picky about playmates. BTW, Bailey is adorable. She gets cuter in every picture! Even if Lucy doesn't like her, I LOVE BAILEY.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I just found your info. re. herding classes by accident. Thanks so much! Maybe we can meet up at a herding class in LB. I will check out the website. Does it matter that Lucy's 4yo & has zero experience herding? Maybe it's best for our divas to meet in a neutral zone. ; )
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    PS Where do you go to law school. My oldest dgt. grad. last year and is working (HAO) as an associate in downtown LA firm.
  • RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp

    Thanks for the info on the harness...it was the pink one I saw. I didn't see the wacky walker, I will take another look. I'm going to Google those items. Riley pulls too, we are hoping he will grow out of the pulling. Riley is still a puppy at 9 months and is into and trying to eat everything. Love these tris :)
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hi Miri, Wanted to let you know that I joined the LBC (Long Beach Corgi group; not the Crips, LOL). It appealed to me because I love Dr. Dre and all that LBC gangsta stuff. My "baby" who's 23 and in the Peace Corps in W. Africa put an Eminem poster on top of a lithograph in my bedroom yrs ago, and it's still there. I actually think Eminem is brilliant and hilarious. I also think that Bailey is AMAZING. I feel so badly for Lucy because we are not challenging her. Anyhow, just wanted to post an update to my illustrious and only member of The OC Corgis to check out the Long Beach Corgi group--esp. bec. I think you go to herding classes in LB and might meet some great Corgi people.
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hi Miri and bailey! Bailey is sooo beautiful! Quixote is from Gilby and Paris at Poso Creek. Its so good to see so many relatives of quixote on here!
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Quixote is a girl but yes she will be very handsome girl ahah
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    Ollie is 10 months now, and will be 1.5 when I start law school & his new little sister Prie will only be 6 months old... I am so nervous about it! --both law school and the pups! I think having the 2 will be better so that Ollie won't be lonely all day and I'm hoping that I'm not just setting myself up for double trouble!

  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    btw, where do you do herding? I'd love to have Ollie try it out!
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    I don't know where I'm going yet.. should know in a couple of months when I hear back from everywhere! *fingers crossed*


    I haven't ever done herding before as Ollie is my first corgi -- what is the place in Riverside? and in LB? I've heard of a place near Malibu, too.