Sandy Clarke
  • Female
  • Ames, IA
  • United States
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Sandy Clarke's Discussions

Collar caught on crate--choking hazard

Started this discussion. Last reply by George Gardei Jun 15, 2011. 26 Replies

We keep Cosmo in his crate when we aren't home because he is still not trustworthy. He's usually pretty happy to be there. I stopped home at lunch today and found he was latched to the inside door of…Continue

Is this common in corgis: peeing without lifting leg?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sandy Clarke Apr 18, 2011. 27 Replies

Cosmo has now made it to adolescence and is forming some long-term habits. One of these worries me. More often than not, he doesn't lift his leg or squat to pee. It's getting to the point that while…Continue

Bullying at the dog park

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sandy Clarke Mar 2, 2011. 13 Replies

Cosmo is often bullied at the dog park. He is always submissive to other dogs and just wants to play but more often than not he is warned off and/or attacked (no broken skin yet), even though he's…Continue

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Sandy Clarke's Page

Profile Information

Ames, Iowa
About Me:
I grew up in a small Iowa town and always had dogs in the family (a pug and a mutt). My husband and I got a golden retriever shortly after we were married and adored him for 11 years. We were dogless after that for many years. Then we saw this homeless corgi at the Fort Dodge animal shelter. It's been quite an adventure since we brought Cosmo into our household (with two cats).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cosmo turned one year old in February 2011. Not really sure of his birthdate but we celebrate on Valentine's Day. He was a shelter rescue from Fort Dodge, a sweet, cooky, stubborn, mischievous little guy who is settling into his new life in Ames.
I have:

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At 1:19am on March 11, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
I had a litter born on Valentines a couple of years ago...Cupid was highly suggested
At 5:56pm on March 6, 2011, WhiteDove said…
At 6:54pm on March 1, 2011, Bev Levy said…
Hi Sandy, I just wanted to add that my submissive corgi loved agility. We never competed or anything but she loved doing the course work except the ramps. Unfortunately health problems cut it all short but she really gained confidence and fun with other dogs.
At 10:31pm on February 28, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
At 6:10pm on February 25, 2011, debra stanger said…
WELCOME !!Sandy and Cosmo.
At 2:14am on February 24, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome to the site, Sandy and Cosmo!
At 7:18pm on February 23, 2011, Jane Christensen said…
Welcome and "thanks" for rescuing:)
At 5:42pm on February 23, 2011, Lynne Cerny said…
Welcome Sandy & Cosmo!

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