Posted on March 26, 2009 at 9:52pm
WARNING: As a dog lover, you will probably
never read anything that will make you cry more than this piece does. If you aren't in a place where you can weep openly, DO NOT read this.
This came to me through a dog newsletter I get a couple days ago, and I think
every breeder should make each potential new family read this before they adopt a dog. Any uninformed person considering breeding puppies 'for extra cash', or who don't spay or neuter their pets...anyone who might…
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what upI see you are from Iowa. I plan a IA/MN picnic every year. Would love for you to attend. The next picnic is June 20. It is in Wells, MN. There is a group for it here on mycorgi. Just search for it!
I have been trying to find a way to contact you because I just absolutely LOVE LOVE your corgi character Livy! She is so awesome!
I knew you must have had a love for corgis or even owned one! I could tell by the detail in Livy's drawings. All the corgi characteristics were there, the way she sat & stared, the droopy ears when she was sad...etc.
LOVE Xylia Tales! Keep it up :-)
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