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Dave L.
  • Male
  • Tracy, CA
  • United States
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Tracy, Ca
About Me:
2 corgi's goin on 3 yoda, frodo and samwise
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
A red dad, a tri color son and a resuce red male
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Dave L.'s Blog

Breed history

Posted on December 5, 2009 at 3:20pm 0 Comments

Just wondering if anyone out there has tried out the dog breed genetic tests. Samwise is settling in, and as he was a pound puppy, I'd like to see how "pure corgi" he is. He looks all Corgi. By the way much thanks to Cesar M. in helping me integrate him into my house full of male Corgis.

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At 7:15pm on October 6, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 6:27pm on October 6, 2009, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Hello and Welcome!!
At 3:11pm on October 6, 2009, Laura Jones said…
At 2:56pm on October 6, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…

GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!
At 12:43am on October 6, 2009, Dave L. said…
Samwise is adjusting to the new pac, and seems to be doing fine. Believe it or not he was a pound find. Shelter ad said he was a cardigan and10 years old. Vet aggreed with me, that he was a pure pembroke and only 3-5 years old. Took him home for $200 and most of that was shots and neutering. Sad that the City Animal shelter I got him from is the Forclosure Capitol of the World.....Stockton California.
At 4:02pm on October 5, 2009, christy fry said…
welcome =)
At 12:48pm on October 5, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcoem David, Yoda, Frodo and Samwise! Love the sci-fi names. I always thought hobbit names were perfect for corgis...short little tricksters who love to eat!
At 9:51am on October 5, 2009, TALLULAH said…
Welcome and hello David!!

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