  • Female
  • Maurice, LA
  • United States
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Maurice, Louisiana
About Me:
I am a new corgi owner for 3 weeks. I feel like a new mom again. So far there is not a whole lot of difference between a puppy and a baby i.e. peep, poop and sleep deprivation.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My puppy was born April 13, 2008. We named him Saxon. When he is registered he will be Sir Saxon of Hope. He is a tri and is a whole lot of fun.
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Gail's Blog

Neuter Time!

Posted on November 19, 2008 at 5:34pm 4 Comments

Saxon goes to the vet on December 2 to get neutered. While he is under, if she deems it necessary, the vet will x-ray his right front leg. He has been limping for a few weeks now and I would like to get it looked at. Feel like a worried mom. I will sure be glad when this is over.

First Night Survival!

Posted on June 14, 2008 at 4:30pm 3 Comments

Saxon did really well. He slept most of the night and so did we. Of course, we were all exhausted from the excitement. I brought him outside around 5:45 am to potty, which he didn't, and put him back in his gated area, but he was having none of that. It was time to get up. You know, it's amazing the amount of work you can get done when you get up at 6 am on Saturday morning.

We've had a good day so far, giving him lots of attention, taking him out often to potty, sometimes it works,… Continue

Saxan has a new home!

Posted on June 13, 2008 at 11:15pm 3 Comments

Well we brought him home today. So far so good except my cat Sophie is freaking out. She has big hair all over her body and she howls. Going to watch her carefully till she gets used to him. He's a sweetie.

Bringing puppy home!

Posted on June 11, 2008 at 2:47pm 3 Comments

Well, I get my corgi on Friday. He'll be 9 weeks old, couldn't wait any longer. I'll have 2 1/2 days to play with him and try to get him used to a new home. I have the crate, nice pad in it which I will take out so he won't pee on it and put it in when he is older. Have the gate, toys, treats, etc. Hope I have thought of everything. Anything else anyone else can think of that might ease the transition from doggy mommy to human mommy.

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At 11:30pm on November 11, 2009, Warhol said…
Heeeey Saxon!
At 7:03pm on October 22, 2009, Gail and Ashton said…
Hi Gail! As a corgi lover and fellow namesake I just had to stop by and say hello! I loved the graduation picture, so cute and happy! Much corgi love! <3
At 5:56pm on November 20, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
Thanks! If you want him to be clothes-friendly, you have to start early!!! I think the first thing I put on Bailey was a baseball jersey (that came off one of my bears) at about 10 weeks.. Lol. He'll let me do just about anything to him now. =P
At 11:12pm on November 19, 2008, Karen & Bailey said…
what a handsome little guy!
At 6:28pm on October 1, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Hey, we plan to be there. Penny will be the tri color on a purple leash with white paw prints on it!
At 11:05am on October 1, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Just to let you know...Bark in the Park this Sunday, Oct. 5th, 2008 at Girard Park 11-3. Here's the link:
At 6:24pm on September 7, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Big boy, huh! Penny got fixed about a month ago, she's about 7 months now and the scale said 14 lbs. then, but I just could not believe that (she was 14 lbs. in mid June). I really think she is 20-22 lbs. now. Penelope has been so awesome with the potty stuff, but I think she is finally not biting (me for attn., the rugs and furniture) as much as she was. At least I hope so!
At 1:33am on September 7, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Wow, look how big he has gotten! He is so cute!
At 8:48pm on July 6, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
That's so great. I love it when they play with other pups, the wear themselves out and we get some rest too, haha! Yep, Penny had her last round of shots last month, around the middle of the month. She will be getting spayed August 12th too. Can't wait to see how your little man has grown!
At 1:01am on July 3, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Hi! How's little Saxan been doing? Penny is getting so big already and she is so fun now! She isn't biting us so much anymore and plays so well!

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