Kit Schanz/Adam
  • Male
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • United States
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Kit Schanz/Adam's Page

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Corte Madera, CA
About Me:
Retired navy officer, wildland firefighter
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Adam our wonderful Cardi, passed away in the early morning of new year's day, 2011, at the age of 14 years 3 months and 3 days per his papers. A wonderful companion and survivor of three strokes over the last 6 months and coping with diabetes. Sturdy, stout, and devout, we'll always miss his eagerness, enthusiasm, loyalty, and companionship.
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At 1:46pm on January 14, 2011, WhiteDove said…
At 3:02pm on January 11, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
I just read on Remy's page how you have a new furkid! Congratulations! I hope it's going well and that you will post a picture of him soon :)
At 7:28am on January 11, 2011, Bev Levy said…
So sorry for the loss of Adam. He joins many much loved corgis over the Rainbow Bridge. Your new corgi is a lucky guy to join a loving home. I know from experience that the new one fills the empty space and is a tribute to the one before. Looking forward to more photos.
At 11:50pm on January 10, 2011, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug said…
Welcome to MyCorgi. I'm sorry your arrival here coincided with the loss of your pal Adam but I see also that you've rescued a new friend name Dougie.  Someone once said that a new dog can never take the place of an old dog but in time will make a place of it's own.  Certainly there can be no doubt that a Corgi named Dougie is sure to be an exceptional friend. ;-)  May 2011 bring you both lots of adventures.
At 7:35pm on January 5, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
At 10:26am on January 3, 2011, Elizabeth said…
Aww. We send toys with our babies, too. My husband also likes to serve "bitters" to canine friends (but our Cardis haven't reached the legal dog drinking age yet).
At 10:34pm on January 2, 2011, Jane Christensen said…
So sorry for your loss! There's a couple groups on here for people who have lost their beloved corgis!
At 5:22pm on January 2, 2011, Elizabeth said…

I am so sorry about the loss of your dear Adam.  What a lovely old soul.

At 12:21am on January 2, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Kit...I'm so sorry about Adam. He looks like he was a wonderful sweet boy.
At 12:18am on January 2, 2011, Michelle said…
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby.

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