Marion Hebert
  • Hopewell, VA
  • United States
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  • Robert and Ein Hayes
  • Elizabeth
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )
  • Sadie May

Marion Hebert's Page

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About Me:
I have always loved dogs and horses and have owned several of both....I rode and competed in Dressage, jumping, and western events.... riding and training thoroughbreds, quarter horses, a Dutch Warmblood mare, and a male offspring of the great stallion Pregelstrand.....Don't dogs and horses just go together....I have shown Miniature Schnauzers, and was asked to home and care for a full blooded wolf that was found by animal had been shot through the hip. Now I am the proud parent of two delightful corgis...They go with me everywhere and have made many friends on our travels.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgis are both sable and female and one male...they are 8 years old.. and no they are not related in any way....Both are rescue dogs....Sammy came to me weighing around 56 pounds...he now weighs 30 pounds and is very handsome....Merry was shown in California, had a litter of puppies, and then her owner decided to switch breeds and asked if I would take her....She is beautiful....Needless to say I love them dearly.....not the shedding part....but who could not love the Corgi"s fun-loving disposition. Sammy is my caretaker...very in tune to my moods....Merry is a bit of a monkey....always on the go and always happy. Well, time for me to start picking up Corgi hair and give my home a new lease on life. We are all glad to be on board
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At 4:05am on October 9, 2015, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

Helllooo. Long, long time. I just read a few of our messages to each other and couldn't help but wonder how your "wild child" Kodi is doing? And how are you? Hope all is well with you. After a 2 year absence, I'm too superstitious to ask too many questions because sadly life is short...esp for dogs and short ones, at that!!! Wishing all healthy and happy things your way. xoxoWendy, Lucy, Ricky/Rafa.

At 7:52pm on February 5, 2013, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…

Oh Marion, I feel your pain! A wild child. I understand all to well. Ricky-Rafa was the worst puppy in America. It wasn't just Lucy wanting her quiet, steady life back. It was my husband, and I have to admit, many times it was me! He was just so craaazy. There are no words. But, I figured if we couldn't work this out, who could. We've been raising Corgis for 40 yrs. I couldn't imagine him having to go from home to home. He is now the love of our life and Lucy's too. She now eggs HIM on to play. He has kept her so young and fit. He sleeps at my side, sometimes with his head on my pillow next to mine. He's a Romeo. How old is your wild child? When did you get him? Hang in there. I know you will. Write me anytime you need to vent. xox wendy

At 9:18pm on January 21, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
We had a great Christmas here in the new house and the New Year was celebrated here at home as well. We never go out for New Years. It was a good holiday season! My 3 new pups from the Sian Marker litter are doing great. Really coming along. Meagan had her pups that are all DM clear Dec. 28th and they are up and about now. The fun has begun and its driving me nuts to see who will mature to my liking to keep for my program. You have a great time at that show. I think you should get back in the ring again but who am I to tell you that since I should get in the ring as well but it causes me so much anxiety just thinking about it makes me nauseous. Prefer someone else take the dog in for me. LOL Who do you go with?
At 7:52pm on January 21, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
haha. i think we'll stick with lucy and ricky for now!!! but i remember that conveyor belt and the 2 of them stuffing candies in their mouth, apron and down their shirts, i think. that and vita veta vegimen was another favorite. do you poop out at parties? are you unpoopular? LOL. she was such a comedic genius.
At 2:11am on January 21, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's gave Marion Hebert a gift
At 3:52pm on January 13, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Marion Hebert a gift
At 8:02pm on December 27, 2010, Elizabeth said…
Thanks, Marion. Hope you and your family had a nice white Christmas. :)  We have certainly enjoyed ours (but, I'm now ready for the snow to melt).  Yes, coffee sounds like a good plan; let's try for something in January.  Happy New Year!
At 2:10pm on December 16, 2010, Elizabeth said…

Oops, I misspelled latte.  (In case you are wondering what a warm "late" is.)

At 2:05pm on December 16, 2010, Elizabeth gave Marion Hebert a gift
Sending you a warm late on this cold, snowy day. Hope you are doing well and that you get to be with family for the holidays. Dewi and Jonny send Merry and Sammy holiday snow greetings!
At 6:34pm on October 24, 2010, Elizabeth said…
Hi, Marion. The dogs and I went to visit the kennel on Rt. 5 this morning and I was so pleased with it. We've got a reservation for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you, thank you for sending me the information! The boys played in a fenced field while I toured the place and were completely worn out and soaked with dew by the time we left. :) They're gonna love staying there.
The owner said she might get back into herding lessons if she can get the right kind of sheep (who won't run into the fence from fear of the dogs), and has a friend who might loan her some. It would be nice to have something so close by.
Hope all is well.

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