Michelle & Jetty
  • Female
  • Fort Walton Beach, FL
  • United States
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Michelle & Jetty's Friends

  • Nam Phuong Nguyen
  • Brenda & Pemmy
  • Randy & Chewie
  • Starry
  • Linda
  • Laurie
  • Abbey & Anne
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Durri Bakht
  • Lois B. Allen
  • Roger/Laurie

Michelle & Jetty's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm 31 and live in the Florida Panhandle. I love the water and anything that goes with it.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi my name is Jetty. I was born on Christmas Eve 2014. I got to come home to my mommy right after Valentines Day. She takes me everywhere with her. I love riding in her convertible and looking at the pretty sights. I especially love when she takes me to the beach and lets me dig dig dig!
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 1:35am on December 24, 2015, Durri Bakht gave Michelle & Jetty a gift
At 8:17am on March 6, 2015, Linda said…

Thank You!

At 5:50pm on March 4, 2015, Nam Phuong Nguyen said…

Looks like we're on the same boat with the puppies' cuteness as well as problems lol. They are sooo cute but omg that hyperactivity...

At 7:54pm on February 25, 2015, Lois B. Allen said…

Hey Michelle,  Me back.  I am surprised to hear about a puppy class.  A caution,  puppies should not be exposed to other people, dogs, outside environment, etc. until they have completed the primary vaccination series.  that is at about 4 months of age.  It is not parvovirus season yet, but the virus is very stable and it can kill any dogs that are not vaccine-protected.  Check with your vet on when it is safe to expose them to the outside world.  Also, their immune systems have to have time to mature since they are only recently weaned, they were protected by maternal antibodies but aren't ready to make their own yet.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to those precious little boys.  Regards, Lois

At 5:17pm on February 25, 2015, Lois B. Allen said…

Hey Michelle,  Your little boy is so cute.  You may have heard but I thought I would mention that littermates have a tendency to bond more strongly with each other than their people.  Keep up your interaction and handling them so they know you are the pack leaders and the most important to them.  I suspect that your are going to have a wild and wonderful ride!!!!!!!!

At 12:08pm on February 20, 2015, WhiteDove said…
Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg
At 3:13am on February 12, 2015, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Michelle and Jetty!

At 4:01pm on February 11, 2015, Laura and Tommy Jefferson said…

Welcome to the site! :)

At 9:12pm on February 2, 2015, Jane Christensen said…

Welcome...your pup(s) are adorable..


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