His name is Dooby, you can call him Snoopy also since he looks like the Snoopy when his ears still folded down. Snoopy is a Tri-colored Scorpion and was born on November 4, 2008. One of his ears perked up suddenly after an afternoon nap at 11 weeks old, the other one perked up at the next day worry free. ^^
We took him home at 8 weeks old, he just weighted 6lbs, two months later he was already16lbs, growing so fast!
Dooby has a brother named Wilson and sister named Payton. It's so great that three of them can meet up here. *^^*
Oh! Dooby enjoys chin message so much which can make him relax and calm down.*^^*
Thank you for being my friend, Joyce. That little guy has some ears. One of my Corgis has bigger ears than the other. Strange how that works. Well, now you have him almost a year. He is beautiful.
We LOVED that bed -- but sadly someone who shall not be named chewed an unfixable hole in it... I got it at the local dog store and they don't even carry them any more, either! But I'll see if I can find out who makes them, I'd like to replace them, too! I just love Snoop's white face and black ears. Ethel B. has a little crush on him....
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Your brother,
Wilson :-)
Snoopy sure is handsome and love the big ears!
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I love your photos! Dooby is just too handsome.View All Comments