Teeocka Sylvester
  • Female
  • Boise, ID
  • United States
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Teeocka Sylvester's Friends

  • Bogart the Cardigan
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

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About Me:
40-year-old mom to 2 adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgis. My husband and I are absolutely in love with the breed and can't imagine our lives without Corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Both of my Pembroke Welsh Corgis are red and white boys (neutered). Cooper just turned 6 in November 2012. Owen will be 5 at the end of January 2013. The weekend before New Year's 2013, Owen was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. We are absolutely devastated to be losing our baby boy! We are testing the waters and asking questions to see where the best place is to locate a new corgi to add to our family - while he won't ever take the place Owen holds in our hearts, we look forward to the joy that only a puppy can bring - to help heal the hurt and begin to look forward.
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At 6:18am on January 17, 2013, Bogart the Cardigan said…

We are so sorry to hear about Owen's illness.  Our previous Corgi (male Pem) died of lymphoma when he was 11.  Then it took us NINE years to get a new four-legged companion, and we never thought we could love another dog as much as Niblick. BUT, Bogart surprises us every day with his antics and loving, fun manner.  Perhaps we shouldn't have waited so long... Hugs to Owen. ♥♥♥

At 10:10pm on January 16, 2013, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

awww, well give owen lots of extra snuggle time, which im sure you already do...im so sorry, wish our pups didnt have to get sick.  When lance was first diagnosed it was sooo hard, my head was going a mile a minute, but I told myself, take it one day at a time...I really feel thats the best thing to do.  Im on edge again with Lances liver issues...but again, one day at a time, otherwise its too overwhelming.  Will keep Owen in our prayers. 

At 9:02pm on January 16, 2013, WhiteDove gave Teeocka Sylvester a gift
At 7:23am on January 16, 2013, WhiteDove said…
At 3:21am on January 7, 2013, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Teeocka, Owen and Cooper! I am so sorry to hear about Owen's diagnosis. I can't imagine...

At 2:52pm on January 6, 2013, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Lance and Tucker are very close in age to Cooper and Owen, Lance just turned 7 the end of October and Tucker just turned five at the beginning of October!!  Do you know what stage of lyphoscarcoma Owen is in?  Lance was diagnosed almost two years ago with a mediated inflammatory disease, and is on a bunch of meds for it, we currently have him on a liver supplement now since his liver enzymes are higher than they should be.  :( 

These dogs are so young to be sick, sigh!!  Over the last couple years I have learned to take each day at a time.  My brother in law was diagnosed 2 years ago with a very rare form of a sarcoma..that usually you get in childhood.   He passed away this past August, he also was young, only in his late 30's!!  It seems as though there should be less cancer now than before, but its actually the opposite, seems like we hear about more and more cases of cancer among dogs and humans!


At 7:45pm on January 5, 2013, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Hello and Welcome!!  So sorry to hear of your Owen being diagnosed with lymphosarcoma.  :( 


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