Jess 's Blog – January 2014 Archive (3)

Outside Time

I know if it were up to Benny he would be outside all day. It is very cold outside #1 I don't want him to get sick or too cold and #2 I want to make sure he is getting adequate play time outside. What would you say is a good amount of playtime outside for a 6 month old daily?

Added by Jess on January 21, 2014 at 10:39am — 6 Comments


So I play with Benny daily and feed him pet him etc. he cries all of the time non stop it's been going on now for about a week he is healthy and everything. He just cries and cries and cries over nothing! I don't know what to do it's driving me crazy. I understand he is a puppy but he cries more now then he ever did. He will be 6 months next week. He will stop his crying if I sit on the floor with him but if I get up or sit on the sofa cook anything he cries. Any thoughts? Advice? I've even… Continue

Added by Jess on January 16, 2014 at 5:31pm — 17 Comments


I bought the furminator for medium dogs long hair. I was not impressed I don't know if maybe I bought the wrong size? But what exactlly does the furminator do pull out loose hairs? Or trim hairs to be even and pull lose hairs? I heard so many good things so I spent the money on it, but it isn't cheap for the rests I'm receiving. Any thoughts? Experiences? Suggestions?

Added by Jess on January 11, 2014 at 11:32am — 7 Comments

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