Dodger was like that for the first two months we had him. I had to treat him as if he were like a baby for him to be satisfied and not cry/whimper. Gradually he got out of the habit. However, you might want to take him to the vet because if there's something medically wrong and it's been going on this long then you have no idea what the damage is.
Hello! I want to ask; what are you feeding Benny? I know Corgis are food-motivated but is he getting 'enough' nutrition? Just asking. Our corgi Jozi did whine when she was a baby but it was more attention than anything, I think. As far as the crate; can you make it more like a 'den' for Benny like maybe adding a crate cover so Benny knows this is "home" or have you done this already?
Thanks so much,
I like the additional comments by Anne about not using he crate as a punishment. That would surely bring on additional negative consequences, especially he has a submissive temperament. I don't have a crate, but I do use the bathroom for a time out when Sully is overwhelmed or displays some undesirable behavior. I try VERY hard to not show an angry or unhappy face, or any angry tones when she goes into "exile" as she needs to build confidence in general and I need to be able to take her into the bathroom for bathing and such so I always leave her water and/or food and her favorite stuffed toy when she is temporarily "isolated."
I think most people here use the crate as a safety and comfort area. I think it would help the pup learn the "natural consequences" of unnecessary whining if crying resulted in a naptime. For the record, I am far from perfect. I have never raised a hand, or my voice to my dog, but I am ashamed to admit I reacted strongly the other night when Sully heard some invisible invader outside and she barked (which she almost never does) and would not stop when I said "It's OK." It was very late and I was concerned about her disturbing the neighbors and I actually tapped her on the nose, with a less than approving face I am sure. Knowing she had to overcome mistreatment in the past, I am working to build her confidence and trust so this was a "Fail Moment" but she survived. I struggle to be gentle enough, but tough enough, to help her socialize. I haven't had her as a puppy, but she is a puppy in some ways since she was never socialized, so I can surely sympathize with your struggles to help your puppy feel secure but independent as well. I am sure his too will quickly pass.
Are you absolutely sure he's not in any pain? You said he cried as a puppy, but this week is different?
I would also arrange for neutering, if you've not done this yet.
I will try the rescue remedy also thank you so much you all have been so helpful!
Yes, I got him from a breeder. No I don't know the temperament of his parents I was unaware at the time to ask about such things. When I got him it was only him and his sister left of the litter. I brought him home at 8weeks and he is now 6 months. He always whimpered for things like any puppy would but It was for something or to get his way. Now its just all the time for no reason unless we are outside then he is fine. Don't get me wrong Benny is great just this past week he started this...
The Rescue remedy may help tone down the anxiety, so that the training methods have a better chance to succeed.
Jess, if you give me more information, I will get a better picture. Specifically: Did you get him from a breeder? Do you know the temperament of the parents? At what age did you bring him home? Did the behavior start slowly and escalate, or did it just start in the last week, as your post suggests? If it started suddenly, could something in the environment have changed? There are many possible explanations from genetic (for instance many German Shepherds display this trait, which owners call "high drive") to environmental, to behavioral (unintended consequence of owner's handling/training). In any of the cases, rewarding the behavior with attention will worsen it. I know it's hard, but try to distract yourself from what he is doing, or remove him temporarily. I would also recommend, for the anxiety, buying a product called Bach's Rescue Remedy and putting a few drops in his water bowl on a regular basis for awhile. It is not a drug, so no need to worry about side effects. You will find the product at any health food store.
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