Jeremy Oglesby's Blog (3)

High Quality Dog Food

Hey guys! I want what is best for my pets. I would like to get my dogs a good quality dog food that isnt too expensive. I cant afford too much but I am willing to spend a little more so my pets can live a long healthy life. I fed them diamond puppy when they were puppies. I have been buying pedigree for my corgis and my labs are on diamond high maintenence. Please if anybody has any suggestions for me I will glady accept them. I know pedigree isnt very good but I have always thought Diamond was… Continue

Added by Jeremy Oglesby on December 8, 2010 at 10:09pm — 11 Comments

First Corgi Litter

Hey guys Daisy is having her first litter of puppies she is due tommorrow. Also it is my first litter of corgi pups. If anybody has any advice for me I would greatly appreciate it. I will take all of the help I can get. Thanks everyone!

Added by Jeremy Oglesby on December 7, 2010 at 8:45pm — 2 Comments

Daisy's First Litter!!

Hey guys I was just wandering if anybody knows if corgi's are prone to having problems with delivering puppies. I've done tons of research and found many different answers about the same things. This being a corgi lover site I am sure I can find answers that come from experienced people. I am very anxious and nervous, I've raised lab puppies before but never small dogs. I have been checking her temp and it dropped yesterday to 98.2 and stayed there all I was expecting puppies… Continue

Added by Jeremy Oglesby on December 6, 2010 at 11:11pm — 5 Comments

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