Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver's Blog (10)

Lizzie the Happy Little Hostess

Well for about a month now we have been fostering Lil' Mama and her gang of Kittens! Originally mama and 6 kittens, now just mama and 2 kittens. A few months ago I saw Lil'Mama around the neighborhood and started to feed her thinking that she was a young cat hoping I could get her off the street and into a nice home, only to find out that she was a mama. It took about a month to find her kittens, but only about two days to catch them.…


Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on October 11, 2010 at 6:58pm — 4 Comments

New Addition Coming Soon.......

We will be adding to the our little Herd.. Lizzie is going to have a little brother ! He was born on August 26, a red headed tri-colored corgi, and is from Celestial Star Kennel.. his mom is Scarlet and dad Kobe. Not sure what his name will be yet.. we have a list a mile long to pick from so far maybe Barney, Harry, Oliver, or Tucker? Each picture shows a little more of his personality.. so hopefully one day soon we will look at him and say he looks like a ......... ??? More info to…


Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on September 18, 2010 at 10:33pm — 10 Comments

St. Luke's Canine Crusaders

Lizzie and I recently graduated from St. Lukes United Methodist Church Canine Crusaders program. We are able to go and visit nursing homes and bring a little Corgi Cheer to residents. And we all know that a Corgi's smiling face brings joy to everyone who see them! I was hoping to post a You Tube video from our graduation however, I am having difficulties so here is the Link if anyone is interested in viewing. The Service included the childrens choir singing a wonderful little song about God and… Continue

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on April 14, 2010 at 7:52pm — 3 Comments

Celebrating Lizzie's 2nd Birthday!

Can't believe it has been another year.. time sure does fly! Lizzie is still as busy as ever... this year she has visited Grandma and Grandaddy in Virginia three times. She spent some time in Nags Head NC.. went swimming in the sound! She has enjoyed visiting with her friends at Corgi meetups and the FL Corgi picnic, where she meet another sister Penny, won the petsmart halloween costume contest, and just completed a class so she can visit nursing homes! We still love going to the puppy park… Continue

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on March 6, 2010 at 2:01pm — No Comments

Petsmart Howl-o-ween Costume Contest!

We participated in the Posner Park, Davenport FL- Petsmart Howl-o-ween Costume Contest tonight! Lizzie wore her very cute witch costume.. and I am proud to report that she took first place!! She won a $20 gift card for petsmart. There were a lot of cute pups there and my little witch took first place..Way to go Lizzie!! She was also very well behaved and calm considering all of the activities!! We had a great time! Happy Howl-o-ween!

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on October 20, 2009 at 8:30pm — 6 Comments

Lizzie's visit to Walmart!

We usually go to West Orange Dog Park on Sunday mornings with our good buddy Vader and his mom Susan. Well on the way to the dog park this week, we stopped at Wal-Mart to drop off a friend, some how as my friend got out and Susan moved from the back seat to the front seat, Lizzie slipped her collar and ran out of the car and into Wal-Mart. It took a few seconds for me to realize that she was gone. Susan had given me both of the leashes to hold while she moved seats... so Vader still attached… Continue

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on September 14, 2009 at 7:15pm — 4 Comments

May 4 2009 - 1 year since I got Lizzie !!!

Lizzie and I are celebrating our 1yr pupiversary... 1 yr since I got Lizzie .. time has flown by, and we have had a great year!! Lizzie's first year was full of fun and excitment! We met some wonderful friends - Trixie and Carol, Vader and Sue. Enjoyed lots of time at the Puppy Park. Took puppy obedience classes with Ms. Jessica. Dressed up for Halloween! Visted Georgia with cousin Stella and Grandma and Grandada! Flew on an Airplane twice! Visted Santa Claus,. And celebrated her fist birthday… Continue

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on May 4, 2009 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Musical Sits!

Lizzie and I attended a "Birthday" party at Pet Smart tonight... we played musical sits (music is played and last dog to sit is out!) and Lizzie came in 2nd.. I am very proud! She won $20 in purina pet food coupons.. which we used to buy two big bags of cat food for our kitty gang! (Lizzie eats Iams)

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on April 21, 2009 at 10:07pm — 1 Comment

Lizzie found her Sister

I am so excited today we were at the West Orange Dog park and met, another red and white corgi - it turns out that the other Corgi is Sandy and she was one of Lizzie's Litter mates!! We had a great time talking and playing. I have added Sandy to Lizzie's photos! -- Sandy is beautiful and is a little bit fluffery and redder than Lizzie!

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on April 19, 2009 at 1:45pm — 2 Comments

Lizzie's 1st Birthday March 7 2009

Lizzie celebrated her 1st birthday with puppy friends and people friends... she had a great time!

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on March 15, 2009 at 5:12pm — 3 Comments

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