We usually go to West Orange Dog Park on Sunday mornings with our good buddy Vader and his mom Susan. Well on the way to the dog park this week, we stopped at Wal-Mart to drop off a friend, some how as my friend got out and Susan moved from the back seat to the front seat, Lizzie slipped her collar and ran out of the car and into Wal-Mart. It took a few seconds for me to realize that she was gone. Susan had given me both of the leashes to hold while she moved seats... so Vader still attached was pulling hard enough for me to think it was both of them... but when I pulled Lizzie's Leash and came up with just a collar I looked in the back seat and realized she was gone. I jumped out of the car and asked Susan if she had Lizzie. Susan had gone to throw away something in the trash, I thought maybe she had seen Lizzie jump out and was going to get her... but no she did not know where Lizzie was. Luckily two ladies had seen Lizzie run into Wal-Mart. so Susan and I ran into the store, the greeter said she went down the main aisle. Luckily by the time we made it just inside the door we saw Lizzie appear from a side aisle and as we called her she ran right to me, I grabbed her up and took her straight to the car. We were very lucky that she did not get out on the side of the parking lot. I made sure her collar was tight and after the dog park we stopped at pet smart for a new halter! So make sure that your pup’s collar is tight enough!!! After the shock wore off, and knowing she was not hurt... the idea of Lizzie running through Wal-Mart, was kind of comical. I am sure there were quite a few surprised shoppers! Thank goodness she was ok.. Not sure what I would do without her! Check those collars everyone!!

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Comment by Chloe's parent Liz on September 19, 2009 at 4:37pm
imagine a frapping Corgi in a walmart that would be funny.
Comment by Lauren + Winston on September 15, 2009 at 10:16pm
Winston would've raided the food department, I would've never seen him again!
Comment by Stanley & Charlotte on September 15, 2009 at 9:03am
Oh my gosh Emily! That's crazy! That must have been quite a sight to see for the shoppers! LOL. Good thing she ran right back to you. If it was Stanley, I would've been chasing him around the store forever!
Comment by Bev Levy on September 14, 2009 at 8:14pm
Since it turned out well, I agree, it is very funny! Actually corgis would make wonderful greeters. It is one of the things they do very well.

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