LORRAINE's Blog (3)

Why does he do this

My cardigan corgi Wilf was castrated May 26th 09 and since then he seems to have stepped back six months!! When we arrive at the dog walk close by he is straining at the lead to be let off, he is great off a lead and stays quite close . The problem is that lately after he has had his initial first run he heads back to me barking and try ing to bite my legs!!! Once i have scolded him and told him .NO he quite happily goes on his way. He has also gone back to walking between my legs and every… Continue

Added by LORRAINE on June 26, 2009 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Clumsy Corgi

I was wondering if anyone has noticed this happening with their corgi....... When we take wilf out for his walk he is always in a hurry but we have noticed that he trips up on his own paws!!! It doesnt seem to happen when he is chasing a ball and running around like hes never been out for 6 months but i cant help but worry as to why it should happen. I would be happy to get you guys opinions

Added by LORRAINE on February 15, 2009 at 11:52am — 3 Comments

Motorhome travel

We heve just come back from a few days away in our new motorhome which was really relaxing and good fun even with our cold weather!! My problem is Wilf, whilst he is happy enough when we are parked up but he is not happy traveling. He seems very nervous and cant seem to find a place to lie and stay, he is continually on the move (usually around by my husbands feet whilst he is trying to drive!!). I was wondering if anyone had had any similar experience and could offer any advice

Added by LORRAINE on January 29, 2009 at 3:46pm — 6 Comments

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