I was wondering if anyone has noticed this happening with their corgi....... When we take wilf out for his walk he is always in a hurry but we have noticed that he trips up on his own paws!!! It doesnt seem to happen when he is chasing a ball and running around like hes never been out for 6 months but i cant help but worry as to why it should happen. I would be happy to get you guys opinions

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Comment by LORRAINE on February 16, 2009 at 2:13pm
Wilf is just 10 1/2 mths old, he doesnt seem to have any other problems it just seems that when hes out all he is focused on is getting to where he thinks hes headed.I have noticed that the next to last nail on both his front paws are very short as if they are the ones that grip most when hes running
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 16, 2009 at 4:50am
How old is he? If he is older I would have alittle concern. It could be a neurological issue. Mine are excellent on their paws but as pups there is carelessness.
Comment by Alice on February 15, 2009 at 10:03pm
I know Finnigan is still just a puppy (about to turn 6 months) but he trips over himself pretty often and I too have wondered if it indicates a problem. Like Wilf, he doesn't trip when he is running full speed, but when he is just walking it seems like his front paws trip him up. It almost looks like one or the other will fold under and he stumbles. I would consider him very clumsy, but I don't think it's necessarily a problem. My Mom has a Cardi that's just over a year old and she said he occasionally trips too.

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