Katie & Mitzie's Blog (4)

Surprise!!! Someone Has Allergies!!!



10:30 - Went out for a potty break.

10:50 - Sat scratching her nose on the carpet.

11:00 - Her head was an inch wider on all sides

11:01 - Called vet ER, crying, thinking she was going to die.

11:15 - Why do they always have to stick a finger in her butt?

11:30 - A shot and a treat.  Puffy face for 6 more hours, but…


Added by Katie & Mitzie on September 30, 2011 at 7:06pm — 4 Comments

Mitz, the self-appointed lifeguard at the dog park.

Morning all!


I have to share, because I think only corgi owners can appreciate this as much as I do.


Mitzie has made herself the lifeguard of the dog park.  She doesn't go there to frap, sniff, or make friends.  She has a higher calling.  Now, when we get there, she climbs on top of a picnic table and polices everyone.  If anyone is playing too rough, barking too much, or making a child squeal, she launches off her table and flies over to investigate.  If…


Added by Katie & Mitzie on August 20, 2011 at 11:04am — 6 Comments

They didn't grow under her heart, but they're growing in it..

This is an article in the Argus Leader, the local newspaper in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  I don't know if her owners have a page here, so if I put this up before they get to it - I am sorry for stealing your thunder, I just wanted to share what an awesome girl you have!





Added by Katie & Mitzie on July 15, 2011 at 4:58pm — 4 Comments

I scarred her for life with a helium balloon.

I found out the hard way that Mitzie is terrified of helium balloons.  I got them for my husband for Valentine's Day.  I didn't know where to hide them, and decided to just give them to him. So on the way into our apartment building, I tied them to the dogs' collars.  Everything was going fine, until one of them touched her.  She flipped out!  It chased her up 3 flights of stairs, she couldn't get away from it, and I couldn't get her to sit still long enough for me to untie it.  I let them into… Continue

Added by Katie & Mitzie on February 14, 2011 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments

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