Brenda & Pemmy's Blog (3)

New pup


After we lost our 1 year old Pemmy in a traffic accident, which we were OBVIOUSLY heartbroken from, we decided to get another puppy. We loved Pemmy so so so much and she made our lifes complete. The house is empty and quiet now. A house is not a home without a dog, without a corgi!

So here's the new pup we will be adopting in 2 to 3 weeks. She's a cardigan and not a Pembroke. The breeder tells us she will be a blonde, not a deep red one like her mother…


Added by Brenda & Pemmy on February 9, 2016 at 8:43am — 12 Comments

How to use a crate AND a play pen?


SATURDAY (yaay) we're getting our pup, Pemmy. I have bought or borrowed everything I need to welcome this pup to our home. I am currently unemployed so I'll have plenty of time to train and play with her.

I was just wondering, how do you use the crate AND an Xpen? When do you put the pup in the crate? When to put her in the play pen? Do you put the crate IN the pen? Our outside the pen? I know that the crate is most efficient for housebreaking a pup.

Added by Brenda & Pemmy on March 18, 2015 at 12:59pm — 9 Comments

Name suggestions?

Hello everyone,

My bf and I are getting a puppy, we're soooo excited. But we don't get along in picking a name, so far we've got: Pem. That's really the only name we both like.

We're Belgian, so not every english name sounds right ofcourse. But suggestions are welcome though! We're looking for a short name, max. 2 syllables.

21st of March we're going to pick her up, can't wait.

Added by Brenda & Pemmy on February 28, 2015 at 1:59pm — 15 Comments

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