
SATURDAY (yaay) we're getting our pup, Pemmy. I have bought or borrowed everything I need to welcome this pup to our home. I am currently unemployed so I'll have plenty of time to train and play with her.

I was just wondering, how do you use the crate AND an Xpen? When do you put the pup in the crate? When to put her in the play pen? Do you put the crate IN the pen? Our outside the pen? I know that the crate is most efficient for housebreaking a pup.

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Comment by Jane on March 27, 2015 at 1:59pm

We used the xpen during the day and the crate at night. We rarely had any accidents but I did keep the pen on the kitchen tile just in case.

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 20, 2015 at 5:06pm

Make sure you leave once in awhile for bits of time so when you go back to work....she'll be used to you being gone.

Comment by Brenda & Pemmy on March 19, 2015 at 3:20am

thank you so much! The schedule is great although i'll be home most of the time. But hoping to find a job soon. But I really like that I'll be home the first few weeks. Thanks everyone!

Comment by Vicky Hay on March 18, 2015 at 9:27pm

Pretty much like Jane says!

Because I spend a lot of time out in the yard (the weather being lovely most of the year), I set up an Xpen by the table where I often sit to work on my laptop and where I usually have breakfast. Ruby would be able to go out and toddle around the yard, but when I needed to focus on my work, I could put her in the X-pen and let her be right next to me without being able to get into any scary trouble.

When she got bigger, I took one of the X-pens apart and converted it into a little fence with a "gate" in it, blocking her way into the pool area, since she never did get good sense about not falling into the drink. This worked effectively until I could afford to have a real fence installed.

Inside, the X-pen was a convenient place for her to go when I was cooking, cleaning, or otherwise occupied so I couldn't watch her every minute, or when Cassie needed a puppy break. You do have to take a little pup out frequently. Very frequently.

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 18, 2015 at 8:44pm

I used a crate in our bedroom at night and other than taking the pup out 1-2 times per night I would have the crate next to my bed and just stick my fingers in to let the pup know I was there when he's wake up but did not get out them (otherwise they learn it's Ok to play in the middle of the night). I had the fence with and without a crate set up in my dining room for daytime when I was not able to watch the pup. I also did have some newspapers in a corner on a kennel liner...for the pup to use if needed but NOT pee pads. Try to take pup out every couple hours when up or when they wake up from napping or about 10-20 minutes after eating when they get a little older, less time when real young! Have fun!!!!

Comment by Beth on March 18, 2015 at 7:41pm

Here's a picture of the crate attached to the xpen.


Comment by Beth on March 18, 2015 at 7:39pm

I typed a sample schedule in this conversation:


Comment by Beth on March 18, 2015 at 7:37pm

You can attach the crate to the OUTSIDE of the pen if it's a wire pen.   Clip it in place of one of the panels.  If you have the space, that is best as it gives pup the full pen plus the crate and you don't have to move things around between day and night.  I wrote out a schedule recently for working people with a pup, using crate and pen.  Let me go find it.....  If you are not working, then use the crate for housebreaking and at night and the pen when pup isn't likely to potty but you can't keep an eye on him.   I'll get you the link for the working person schedule.  Stay tuned....

Comment by Bev Levy on March 18, 2015 at 7:02pm

I put the crate in the pen and used the crate when I went away and at night. I've also used the crate just as a bed not closing the door and spread newspapers on the floor of the pen. Then I gradually removed newspapers as the pup got older and understood to use it. That was when I was going to be gone for long periods of time  and didn't want to leave the puppy in a small space. You just have to figure out what works best for you.

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