Michelle Anderson's Blog (6)

Having a bad day

I can be having what I consider the worst day ever since my last worst day ever and then see an amazing "Corgi Smile", it just makes me melt! The excitement in their faces when you come home makes everything go away and you have to smile!!!!! I love these little ones and I can't imagine a world without Corgi Smiles! Love them, orignal little sweethearts!

Added by Michelle Anderson on March 15, 2011 at 3:26pm — 5 Comments

Why is my dog trying to eat soap????

I have never had this come up before and I am looking to find out if anyone has?????? My 6 month old pup loves lotion and soap!! Even when he is not in the room he will come running in if he smells me putting on lotion or taking a shower. Today he kept trying to jump in the tub? Why is this??? When I put lotion on I have to make him leave the room because he will try and lick the lotion off. Help!

Added by Michelle Anderson on August 19, 2010 at 12:19pm — 3 Comments

Jack's ears

Ok, I don't mean to be picky or obsess on this, but Jack is 12 weeks old and his ears still have not come up!!! Not even a little bit!! I don't want to tape his ears up, should I worry that they are not coming up? I never had this come up with my previous Corgis???

Added by Michelle Anderson on May 8, 2010 at 4:50pm — 4 Comments

Confused about the potty training!

Ok, so I have a question!! My 9 week old pup is doing awesome with his potty training, for the most part! Last night, the little guy didn't even want to go out! I made him go out at 5:30 this morning. He goes for 3 to 4 hours at a time when I am at work, no accidents! BUT, about 5 mintues or so after he has gone out, he is in the house, and potties a little spot! I go out with him, do the bells and whistles when he goes outside. Sometimes he will even go more than once and still come in with… Continue

Added by Michelle Anderson on April 15, 2010 at 4:27pm — 6 Comments

I think I am starting to panic!

I have been looking high and low for a breeder! Found one, puppies are here and I am weeks away from having my new little guy at home! I am so excited, but starting to process all the things that come with a puppy!!!! It's been so long since I had a puppy I think I have forgotten what it was like. I remember coming home to Riley chewing holes straight out of the wall, having his tummy pumped!!!!!! Once breaking him of that, holes in the carpet! Waking up to my little guy drooling all over my…


Added by Michelle Anderson on March 12, 2010 at 5:10pm — 7 Comments

I want you to know that I haven't forgotten you


I miss you,

I miss your blub blubs,

I miss seeing you and the puppy play,

I miss our walks,

I miss laying with you on a quiet morning as the sun came in,

I miss seeing you when I come home,

I miss watching you "get em",

I miss playing big dog,

I miss helping you through your fear of the scrubbing bubbles,

I miss telling you my secrets,

I miss your silence when I needed to be alone to think and you would patiently sit by my… Continue

Added by Michelle Anderson on November 4, 2009 at 1:00pm — 10 Comments

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