I have been looking high and low for a breeder! Found one, puppies are here and I am weeks away from having my new little guy at home! I am so excited, but starting to process all the things that come with a puppy!!!! It's been so long since I had a puppy I think I have forgotten what it was like. I remember coming home to Riley chewing holes straight out of the wall, having his tummy pumped!!!!!! Once breaking him of that, holes in the carpet! Waking up to my little guy drooling all over my pillow and soaking me! Teething, wasn't so great! He had all the chew toys in the world, but preferred the "no no" spots!!! Riley was great to potty train, Sam not so much! Potty mats, yeah she used them! Would sniff, walk in circles, and pee on the very edge of the mat so it went on the floor, but by the mat her eyes would say!! I know I can do this and I know I want to this, I just forgot what having a puppy is like!

I am starting to worry how Molly is going to react, she is 12 and her life consists of eating and sleeping! What are the kittens gonna think, all the HAIR! I always worry how the existing pets will react to the new pet! I am hoping the puppy helps Molly not feel so lonely without Sam gone, but I am thinking she might be a bit annoyed at he start! Charlie, who is ALL kitten will have a new chew toy to pounce!!

It's gonna be a whole new world in a few weeks! I am looking forward to walks, hikes, swimming, and frisbee! I think the puppy will keep me active too! Puppy stage won't last forever, gotta enjoy the good and the bad!

Anybody out there have any helpful tips these days with pups??

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Comment by Michelle Anderson on March 18, 2010 at 11:10pm
I am so sorry to hear that! Even when you know it is better for them to not suffer, it's still hard! I am getting a Cardigan! I hope the puppy does well with the 2 cats and Molly!! I am going to take pictures on Sunday and I will post them! Take Care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Susan McMillen on March 18, 2010 at 10:14pm
So sorry you lost your Riley and Sam, I know how hard it is when they are really a part of the family. Well I lost my dad Tuesday, he told me he had his "ticket" and when the lord was ready for him, he was too. He used his "ticket" home Tuesday afternoon. I will miss him, but know he is not suffering anymore. I sure hope you have lots of fun with your puppy:) You will have to post pics when you get him. Are you getting a Cardigan or Pembroke? Both are adorable!! I just love Rileys color, and with the blue eyes, they are just stunning:) My miniature dachshund, Sophie, and Bella, the new Corgi are getting along great, and playing. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers, I appreciate it. Good luck!
Comment by Michelle Anderson on March 15, 2010 at 4:14pm
Thanks, that picture is my Riley! He passed away November 2005. He had developed Addison's Disease in 2000. We had been treating him with medication, and then he had a back injury. Not sure what he did. Something must have got him all excited outside, came out to check on him and he had trouble walking. We tried to kennel and give steroid treatment in the hopes it would heal, but the steroids made the Addison's flare and his kidney and liver function started to fail, so we had to let him go. It was awful! I wasn't sure I could handle another puppy and still had my Pembroke, Sam and my mini dashcund, Molly. Sam passed last May and I just feel lost without their spirit! They were complete opposites with training, so it's a toss up!! I am excited and nervous! Sorry to hear about your Dad, that is tough. Riley always knew what it meant to go to Grandpa's! He had blue eyes and my Dad would look at Riley and say, he's a Bierlair (my family name), look at those eyes! My Dad passed in 1997, can't believe it will be 13 years this April! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! Take Care
Comment by Susan McMillen on March 15, 2010 at 4:02pm
I'm not sure who the dog is in your pic, but he is adorable!! Puppies....need I say more? I'm going through that right now with my 13 week old corgi puppy. I have a 5 yr old boxer at home, and an almost 2 yr old mini dachshund girl. Everything is good, except my dad took a turn for the worse in the Hospital, so its hard to keep the puppy exercised like I need to. I will probably have to miss puppy class tomorrow night since he is in such bad shape, but I will try and finish the rest of classes.
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 12, 2010 at 7:55pm
Enjoy the pup! They react to you so relax! I remember thinking the puppy stage would last forever, but with lots of exercise and love everything will be fine. FYI: Wtih Corgis its very important not to let them jump for the first year, so I would suggest not putting them anywhere high that they might try to jump.
Comment by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2010 at 6:37pm
I agree with Christine...enjoy that pup...start training the minute the pup gets in the door...and have fun! I use a large toe nail clipper for my pups.An exercise pen/crate might be helpful.Yes...lots of chewy toys for the little one. Congratulations!
Comment by RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp on March 12, 2010 at 6:08pm
You worry too much...you want this to be a good experience. However, a new puppy is something you need to plan for. The breeder should be helpful as far as what the puppy is being fed (our breeder gave us enough food for a few days), she gave us a couple of old toys the puppy was use to playing with, showed me how to clip the nails, told me what comb and brush were being used. I asked what commands the puppy was familiar with. She was very sweet and helpful! Sounds like you've been there done that before, everything will fall into place. I probably don't worry enough.... Enjoy your new puppy!

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