CJ Sata's Blog (3)

Walking a new puppy? Leaving him at home?

Hi friends :) 

Shanks has had a couple of meals since my last post and he hasn't had any issues with vomiting. Things are looking good!

I need to run to the dry cleaners today but am apprehensive about both taking Shanks with me and leaving him at home by himself. The dry cleaners is just a short walk away, but he hasn't gotten…


Added by CJ Sata on January 26, 2014 at 6:13pm — 6 Comments

New Corgi Owner :)

It's been a long, long time since I've visited mycorgi.com, and even longer still since I posted about starting my search for a puppy back in May 2013. I never did hear back from that breeder, but long story short, we now have an eight week old red & white PWC named Shanks.

We picked him up last night and today's the first full day he's spent at his new…


Added by CJ Sata on January 26, 2014 at 1:30am — 4 Comments

So it begins...

It's really happening!

I was unsure about when to start actively searching and contacting people about finding a puppy, but I spoke with my husband last night and thought it would be good to start now. I emailed a breeder in Japan--hopefully I'll hear back soon. I'm so excited! I can't wait to find a puppy. Wish me luck! And please feel free to give me any advice on everything about corgis.

Added by CJ Sata on May 24, 2013 at 11:54am — No Comments

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