Kathrine garner's Blog (4)

Again, Terrible Tuesday - Final Note

Comments on the puncture. . .I asked his vet if our cat may have bitten or clawed King. He said absolutely not, the wound was a perfectly round hole. It is the size of a pencil to give you an idea. Or a screwdriver, something like that.

Added by kathrine garner on August 14, 2009 at 7:02pm — 1 Comment

Terrible Tuesday

Thanks to all of you for your enlightened comments. Apparently we have an English Major amongst us, so I'll try not to offend him again. . . . .

Anyway, King was inside the house. . . .all day - from 8:30 until I arrived home about 3:45. IF what his vet said about the time frame being 6 hrs at the max and probably more likely 2 hrs, that meant it occured about 1. So you see how we reached our conclusion. Or as I previously stated "the obvious assumption" HA HA HA sorry, I had to do… Continue

Added by kathrine garner on August 14, 2009 at 6:55pm — No Comments

Terrible Tuesday

Yesterday when I had King at the vets, he noticed a "hole" in his side. He said it was a definite puncture wound. Astounded by this, I couldn't think of anything he would have hit. His vet also said that it was very recent about 6 hrs prior and probably closer to 2 hrs. He could tell apparently from the bruising. I was upset, worried, totally out of it. Both my husband and myself were at work. . . . . . .so the obvious assumption was that someone, unknown to us and to King, came into the house,… Continue

Added by kathrine garner on August 13, 2009 at 6:26pm — 13 Comments

King the Wonderful Corgi

KIng came into our lives 11 yrs ago and wow, what a ride it's been. He was just 3 months old and full of puppy love. You know what I mean. Puppy love here, puppy love there. Corgi's don't just live with you, they let you live with them. Everytime I think I've seen it all, he comes up with something new.

I'm new at this, so bear with me until I find my footing. King tells me he will help me.

Added by kathrine garner on July 17, 2009 at 6:01pm — 5 Comments

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