Yesterday when I had King at the vets, he noticed a "hole" in his side. He said it was a definite puncture wound. Astounded by this, I couldn't think of anything he would have hit. His vet also said that it was very recent about 6 hrs prior and probably closer to 2 hrs. He could tell apparently from the bruising. I was upset, worried, totally out of it. Both my husband and myself were at work. . . . . . .so the obvious assumption was that someone, unknown to us and to King, came into the house, startled King and stabbed him with something very sharp. It is a perfect puncture hole. Of course the Sheriff's office was called and we made a report. The officer was shocked and as we found out, also a dog lover. King will be fine, thank goodness. Up to Tuesday, we had never locked our doors. We live in a quiet neighborhood and everyone watched out for each other. Sadly, alot of new houses are going up (one next to us) and there are many strange people in the neighborhood now. I'm not accusing, but. . . . . . . . . . . . .you do the math.

I don't know why I'm telling this story. I suppose I'm still worried about King. He's way too old to have this happen. He's not a mean Corgi, he loves people. And if whoever had just reached down to pet in lieu of hurting, they would have been licked to death.

We're so grateful that's all that happened.

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Comment by Deanna on August 17, 2009 at 8:16am
Oh, Katherine, I'm so sorry for what you went through. I would be totally "out of it" as well. Even though you say King will be fine, (I'm sure that's physically) watch for mood and attitude changes in him. Like you, his peace of mind has been altered. He just can't vocalize it. Give him all the lovies you can with patience if he starts exhibiting a kind of "skitzy" action. Just constantly reassure him that mommy and daddy are there to protect him and that his home is still his safe and happy place. God Speed to King!
Comment by kathrine garner on August 16, 2009 at 1:04pm
Thanks. A note, your tri looks exactly like my sister's Corgi, Brutie! they could be twins! Would that be Hootch I"m talking about? Her page is under Mary Bledsoe, so take a look.

Have a great Sunday.
Comment by Kristin, Honey, and Hooch on August 16, 2009 at 3:46am
I hope King recovers without any additional complications and with as little pain as possible. Poor fellow! :( I also hope you find whatever caused the wound... It could have been human-caused, but I think it's just as likely that it could have been something in the yard or surrounding area that caused it. Regardless of what it was, it's unfortunate. Best wishes to King! I'll keep him in my thoughts.
Comment by Angela on August 14, 2009 at 8:55am
Here is to a quick recovery for your good friend King!
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 13, 2009 at 10:51pm
Wow! You were very lucky to be at the vet and for him to find this before he ended up with a major infection! Thank-goodness! I know it's scary now days...I never used to lock my doors in the country or town but I do now...cuz you just don't know...I hope you're all feeling better!
Comment by Avyon on August 13, 2009 at 9:46pm
I hope he feels better! I would look for other choices as well. Was there anything messed up in the house afterwards? Was anything taken?

I agree that there may be other reasons
Comment by Bev Levy on August 13, 2009 at 9:34pm
Boy that is scary. Glad you discovered the injury and hope he is OK.
Comment by Beth on August 13, 2009 at 8:44pm
Poor King! I hope he's alright. How scary for you, regardless of the cause.

Just as a thought, I know a guy whose lab/boxer mix impaled herself on a stick and nearly died. She was chasing a tossed stick, it somehow stuck in the ground and she landed on it with her chest. Had he not been there to see it, I doubt he would have thought a stick could do so much damage.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.
Comment by John Wolff on August 13, 2009 at 8:31pm
Thinking on this, were I in your place and my dog had been outside near the site, I would get the injury described and documented by the vet, and if pneumatic nail guns are being used on the site (I'd have heard them), I'd borrow my pal's N.R.A. cap, show the report to the crew boss, politely inform him that I don't for a minute believe that the nail injury to my dog was accidental, and that the whole neighborhood has heard about it and will be watching the crew closely. I'd drop my lawyer's name. I would act very, very controlled.
Comment by Sarah C. on August 13, 2009 at 7:51pm
I think that john's might be a better assumption.
We had a stray nail hit one of the columns in front of our house when our subdivision was under construction. It only struck it and didn't do in, but it made a dent. If it had been a more fleshy object, I'm sure it would've done some damage.
You also have to think, did he slide in the kitchen into something, or fall on something? Does he use a crate that has any bare wire that he might have run into?
I had a neighbor with two labs and one day the younger one got very sick. They took it to the vet and there was a sucking chest wound in his side. A proper scouring of the backyard revealed blood on a stake put out to straighten some plants. It was not particularly sharp, but one could imagine that at the right angle and with the right force, it could break the skin.
Wierder things have happened.

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