Yesterday when I had King at the vets, he noticed a "hole" in his side. He said it was a definite puncture wound. Astounded by this, I couldn't think of anything he would have hit. His vet also said that it was very recent about 6 hrs prior and probably closer to 2 hrs. He could tell apparently from the bruising. I was upset, worried, totally out of it. Both my husband and myself were at work. . . . . . .so the obvious assumption was that someone, unknown to us and to King, came into the house, startled King and stabbed him with something very sharp. It is a perfect puncture hole. Of course the Sheriff's office was called and we made a report. The officer was shocked and as we found out, also a dog lover. King will be fine, thank goodness. Up to Tuesday, we had never locked our doors. We live in a quiet neighborhood and everyone watched out for each other. Sadly, alot of new houses are going up (one next to us) and there are many strange people in the neighborhood now. I'm not accusing, but. . . . . . . . . . . . .you do the math.
I don't know why I'm telling this story. I suppose I'm still worried about King. He's way too old to have this happen. He's not a mean Corgi, he loves people. And if whoever had just reached down to pet in lieu of hurting, they would have been licked to death.
We're so grateful that's all that happened.
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